Minh Nguyen (Chair), Ashley Davidoff (Faculty Mentor)
- Promoting and integrating personal, social and educational aspects of medical students
- Inspire Future Educators and Enhance Teaching Skills
- Developing innovative learning tools (flash cards, games, AI application) for Radiology
- Increase exposure to radiology for clinical care , and exam preparation
- Inspire Students to go into Radiology
* Name of Project
Rookies of Radiology(The RoR Club) better known as The RoaR Club
The Roles of the Student, Resident and Facilitator
Review Already Available PP
Chair decides on needs for a year long agenda an the and facilitator helps identify resource
Students set agenda about what they struggled with or what they want to focus on
Facilitator provide image cases that highlight this
Students practice and give feedback to each other
Students answers each other questions or look it up
Facilitator is there to support ideas and navigating students back to the case
Agenda announce and e mail the agenda for the following
An example of planned event
Spotlighted onStudent?
Weekly session (Monday or Friday Lunch 12-1)
Links and References
Enrichment opportunity through the medical school usually 1 hour/week commitment for medical students for 1st-2nd year students, 4th year may join appear as a sentence in the MSPE (http://www.bumc.bu.edu/busm/education/medical-education/enrichment/eea-approval/)
*Content Game- Verboten https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9439
an interactive and fun means to review cases.
Hone participants’ descriptive and communication skills Jeopardy- https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.8209 Discussions- case based- Professionalism https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.9105
Curriculum- National by Dr. Shaffer and Dr. Petra Lewis- https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.7897
Team based learning- GI University of Alabama- https://www.mededportal.org/doi/10.15766/mep_2374-8265.10700
TCV resources
Notes Scales and Music
What to look for
Ai group
To Do
How to tier the teaching and supervising arrangement
Create a program for the year
Mix of “How to” = NSM
“What to look for” Disease
Modalities MRI CT US PET scanning
Recruitment Letter
In the journey to master the art of medicine, other interests may be placed aside. But exploring your hobbies can help you learn about medicine!
Minh-Thuy Nguyen, MS4 and Dr. Ashley Davidoff and are creating an enrichment opportunity called the Rookies of Radiology (RoR) club.
This club provides an outlet for students, trainees, and faculty to share their interests and talents with other participants, help them see how to apply the process of honing their skills , learn about radiology through case discussions, and develop teaching skills. In addition we would like to learn about each other and explore and share the other side our lives
If you are interested, please email mtnguyen@bu.edu or reach out to Dr. Davidoff!
Radiology Newsletter
The RoaR Club
The RoaR ClubThe Rookies of Academic Radiology Club
Minh-Thuy Nguyen, MS4, and Ashley Davidoff are creating a student led enrichment opportunity called ?The Rookies of Radiology? (aka The RoR Club).
This club will provide an environment for medical students at all levels, to interact with each other and with radiology residents. The mission is to promote radiology interests, as well as to promote the personal outside interests of the students. Student to student guidance and resident to student guidance will be moderated by the faculty advisor.
Radiology programs will for example include; case discussions, ?must know? topics in radiology, and how to prepare for a career in radiology. It will also provide a think tank to innovate educational methods to teach radiology to medical students.
The social aspect may take the form of a zoom social gathering with discussion of personal interests, hobbies, poetry readings, musical evening or even a night of philosophical discussion.
We believe this program is a unique innovation, and hope it will provide a forum for education, enrichment, and personal well being
If you are interested to join this club, please email mtnguyen@bu.edu or ashley.davidoff@bmc.org