Clinical History: Diabetes and chronic peripheral vascular disease. Recent swelling over the great toe with a chronic ulcer.
Organ: Foot
Radiologic Finding: Erosive bony destruction of the tuft of the great toe distal phalanx with surrounding soft tissue swelling.
Dx: Acute osteomyelitis of the great toe.
Modality: Radiograph Xray
Akira Murakami MD
Organ: Foot
Clinical History: Diabetes and chronic peripheral vascular disease. Recent swelling over the great toe with a chronic ulcer.
Radiologic Finding: Erosive bony destruction of the tuft of the great toe distal phalanx with surrounding soft tissue swelling.
Dx: Acute osteomyelitis of the great toe.
Modality: Radiograph Xray
Akira Murakami MD