- air trapping
- air bronchogram
- alveolar edema
- apical pleural cap
- aspiration pneumonia
- atelectasis
- rounded atelectasis
- compressive atelectasis
- bleb and bulla
- bronchiectasis
- cavitation
- cephalization
- cysts
- thin walled cysts
- thick walled cysts
- consolidation
- eggshell calcifiation of lymph nodes
- empyema
- ground glass
- Hampton?s Hump
- hardware
- hernias in the chest
- hiatus hernia
- diaphragmatic hernia
- traumatic hernisa
- honeycomb
- infiltrate
- interstitial edema
- interstitial fibrosis
- Kerley B lines
- mass
- solid
- spiculated
- cavitating
- mosaic attenuation
- nodule
- solid
- ground glass
- mixed
- miliary
- bronchocentric
- micronodules
- caviatating
- calciified
- spiculated
- opacification
- pleural effusion
- loculated pleural effusion
- pneumonia
- eosinophillic pneumonia
- Klebsiella
- pneumococcus
- round pneumonia
- pneumothorax
- loculated
- tension pneumothorax
- pseudopneumothorax
- reticular pattern
- shaggy heart border/silhouetting
- tree in bud
- white out
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