“Guideline recommendations for these nodules agree to perform follow-up CT, except for low risk patients with nodules smaller than 5?6 mm. Nodules larger than 8 mm require an active approach. The intermediate group of nodules between 6?8 mm or in high risk patients, follow-up is mandatory to assess stability or growth. Subsolid nodules have specifics recommendations in guidelines due to its association with the spectrum of lung adenocarcinoma. Regarding measuring pulmonary nodules, volumetry and VDT seem better than caliper diameter to assess growth in small nodules. The caveat of volumetry is that it is necessary to maintain acquisition characteristics and the same software evaluation to obtain good results.
In some specific circumstances, as high-risk patient, nodule characteristics or oncologic patient, follow-up is not the preferred option and an interventional approach to these nodules is performed. The monitoring of pulmonary nodules in cancer patients remains a topic to be defined.”
Links and References
Management of incidental lung nodules <8 mm in diameter
J Thorac Dis. 2018 Aug; 10(Suppl 22): S2611?S2627.