Secondary Lung Lobule Normal lung histology This image is a panoramic view of the lung showing secondary lobules and interlobular septa. Within the interalveolar septae, one sees small venules and lymphatics.Courtesy Armando Fraire MD. 32649b code lung pulmonary alveoli alveolus secondary lobule interlobular septa vein lymphatic histology interstitium interstitial 32649b
Heart Failure Kerley B lines
In these images. a nd c are normal and b and d represent thickened interlobular septa in a patient with congestive heart failure. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2cms in length and touching the pleural surface.
42545c01.800 Ashley Davidoff MD
Acute CHF 50 year old female with diabetes, chronic renal failure with congestive heart failure. CT in the coronal plane shows diffuse ground glass changes, Kerley B lines at the right base, Ashley Davidoff MD 50-003-CT 50 year old female with diabetes, chronic renal failure with congestive heart failure. CT in the coronal plane shows diffuse ground glass changes, Kerley B lines peribronchial cuffing in the right upper lobe and right lower lobe Ashley Davidoff MD 50-004-CT 50 year old female with diabetes, chronic renal failure with congestive heart failure. CT in the coronal plane shows diffuse ground glass changes, peribronchial cuffing and mosaic attenuation Ashley Davidoff MD 50-005-CT 50 year old female with diabetes, chronic renal failure with congestive heart failure. CT in the axial plane shows diffuse ground glass changes, thickening of the interlobular septa, centrilobular nodules peribronchial cuffing mosaic attenuation in the right lower lobe, associated with a complex right sided effusion Ashley Davidoff MD 50-010-CT 50 year old female with diabetes, chronic renal failure with congestive heart failure. CT in the coronal plane shows diffuse ground glass changes, thickening of the interlobular septa, and centrilobular nodules Ashley Davidoff MD 50-007-CT
Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP)can cause features reminiscent of interstitial edema due the extension of the inflammatory process into the Interstitium resulting in Kerley B lines and interstitial edema.
The Secondary Lobule in Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP) This diagram reveals the important structural changes in the secondary lobule that includes filling of the alveoli with eosinophils and proteinaceous and fibrinous exudate as well as infiltration into the alveolar septa and interstitium (red walls) . An important component of the disease is the thickening of the interlobular septa (maroon) which results in Kerley B lines and an interstitial pattern reminiscent of cardiogenic interstitial edema. Ashley Davidoff lungs-0758 Interlobular Septal Infiltration with Eosinophils and Inflammatory Exudate – Thickening of the Interlobular Septa – Crazy Paving Kerley B lines The diagram shows the thickened septum surrounding the secondary lobule due to an inflammatory process, cellular infiltrate and congestion of the venules and lymphatics in the septum (a) . An anatomic specimen of a secondary lobule from a patient with thickened interlobular septa is shown in c and overlaid in d. CT of the lungs in a patient with acute eosinophillic pneumonia shows thickened interlobular septa and centrilobular nodules and the thickened septa are overlaid in red (e). Ashley Davidoff MD The lungs-0761
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Heart Failure Kerley B lines
In these images. a nd c are normal and b and d represent thickened interlobular septa in a patient with congestive heart failure. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2cms in length and touching the pleural surface.
42545c01.800 Ashley Davidoff MD
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Heart Failure Kerley B lines
In these images. a nd c are normal and b and d represent thickened interlobular septa in a patient with congestive heart failure. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2cms in length and touching the pleural surface.
42545c01.800 Ashley Davidoff MD
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In these images. a nd c are normal and b and d represent thickened interlobular septa in a patient with congestive heart failure. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2cms in length and touching the pleural surface.
42545c01.800 Ashley Davidoff MD
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In these images. a nd c are normal and b and d represent thickened interlobular septa in a patient with congestive heart failure. These are the well known Kerley lines, often spoken about but rarely seen. They are identified as thin horizontal lines usually seen in the costophrenic angles, not being longer than 2cms in length and touching the pleural surface.
42545c01.800 Ashley Davidoff MD
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