Infection Inflammation
CT Miliary Tuberculosis Centrilobular Nodules Suggesting Arterial Small Airway and or Lymphatic Involvement Also Fissural Nodules and Pleural Nodules

CT Miliary Tuberculosis Nodules along the  Bronchovascular Bundle,  Centrilobular, Fissural and Pleural Distribution
60-year-old immunocompromised female presents with a cough and weight loss. Axial CT shows miliary nodules throughout both lung fields. Some of these nodules are centrilobular or distributed along the bronchovascular bundles (c, maroon arrowheads) and others are fissural based (b, pink arrowheads) and along the pleura (yellow arrowheads suggesting at least a lymphatic distribution. There is bronchial wall thickening (b teal arrowhead). She responded well to treatment and final diagnosis was mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Ashley Davidoff MD 265Lu 136202cL


CT Miliary Tuberculosis Centrilobular Nodules Suggesting Arterial Small Airway and or Lymphatic Involvement Also Fissural Nodules and Pleural Nodules
60-year-old immunocompromised female presents with a cough and weight loss. Axial CT shows miliary nodules throughout both lung fields. Some of these nodules are centrilobular (c, maroon arrowheads) and others are fissural based (b, pink arrowheads). In some of the secondary lobules there are 2 centrilobular nodules indicating involvement of the airway and arteriole and or the lymphatics (c white rings). One lobule shows centrilobular and interlobular nodules (c gray ring anteriorly). She responded well to treatment and final diagnosis was mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Ashley Davidoff MD 265Lu 136204cL


Halo Sign Around a Malignant Mass
CT in the axial plane demonstrates a large, spiculated mass in the right upper lobe with surrounding halo likely reflecting hemorrhage or lymphatic edema around the mass. In addition, there is evidence of irregular interlobular septal thickening likely reflecting lymphatic invasion and indicating lymphangitis carcinomatosa. There is irregular thickening of the major fissure suggesting involvement.
Ashley Davidoff MD 135865

Mechanical/Atelectasis Trauma Metabolic Circulatory- Hemorrhage Immune Infiltrative Idiopathic Iatrogenic Idiopathic