56 -year-old female with a history of amyloidosis (AL) presents for follow up following a pulmonary embolus. Frontal view of the chest shows diffuse reticular process best appreciated at the left base suggesting Kerley b lines (magnified in the lower panels). In the appropriate clinical setting these findings are compatible with the diagnosis of alveolar septal amyloidosis. Note the air fluid level in the stomach in this patient with known amyloidosis of the stomach with delayed gastric emptying.
Ashley Davidoff MD 244 Lu 135741c05c

There is severe congestive cardiac failure in this CXR with evidence of Kerley B lines seen as horizontal thin lines touching the pleura in the right costophrenic angle in a, and the presence of 3 thin lines coursing obliquely toward the hilum in image b, representing distended lymphatics running with the bronchovascular bundles. These lines are called Kerley A lines and they are quite rare. Kerley C lines represent the reticular pattern of intraparenchymal lymphatics which in this case are quite vague.
Ashley Davidoff MD

heart cardiac chest fx pulmonary congestion interstitial edema enlarged pulmonary arteries pulmonary arteriole to bronchiole ratio increased cardiomegaly fx enlarged Kerley B line thickened interlobular septa dx congestive heart failure CHF cardiac failure CTscan CXR plain film Davidoff MD 46425 46427 46428 46432c01 46431 46432 46432c0146424c01
Ashley Davidoff MD
Alveolar Septal Amyloidosis

56 -year-old female with a history of amyloidosis (AL) presents for follow up following a pulmonary embolus. Frontal view of the chest shows diffuse reticular process best appreciated at the left base suggesting Kerley b lines (magnified in the lower panels). In the appropriate clinical setting these findings are compatible with the diagnosis of alveolar septal amyloidosis. Note the air fluid level in the stomach in this patient with known amyloidosis of the stomach with delayed gastric emptying.
Ashley Davidoff MD 244 Lu 135741c05c

56 -year-old female with a history of amyloidosis (AL) presents for follow up following a pulmonary embolus. Lateral view of the chest shows diffuse reticular process best appreciated anteriorly suggesting thickening of the interlobular septa. (better appreciated in the magnified views in the lower panels). In the appropriate clinical setting these findings are compatible with the diagnosis of alveolar septal amyloidosis. Note the air fluid level in the stomach in this patient with known amyloidosis of the stomach with delayed gastric emptying.
Ashley Davidoff MD 244 Lu 135741c07c