Interstitial Inflammation and Thickening Epicenter

Interstitial changes (red parts of alveoli ) representing either infiltration into the interstitium or inflammatory changes in the interalveolar interstitium
Ashley Davidoff lungs-0736a01
Intralobular, interstial – interalveolar fibrosis (white) between the alveoli
Ashley Davidoff
Honeycomb Lung
In patients with interstitial lung  disease, the  inflammatory process and interstitial fibrotic disease  progresses and the walls between the alveoli are destroyed causing large subpleural, variably sized, subpleural, thick walled, stacked, cystic spaces . The appearance is reminiscent of a honeycomb and indicates end stage fibrosis
Ashley Davidoff MD lungs-0738bh


Follicular Bronchiolitis (Bronchiolitis Obliterans)

CXR Constrictive Bronchiolitis aka Bronchiolitis Obliterans
70-year-old female former smoker with long standing history of RA presents with chronic dyspnea. Frontal view of the chest reveals a coarsened nodular interstitial pattern with magnified views showing the micronodularity in the lower panels.
Ashley Davidoff MD 132Lu 136650c01
CT Follicular Bronchiolitis, (aka Bronchiolitis Obliterans), Centrilobular Nodules, Air Trapping, Ground Glass Opacities (GGO) in Upper Lobes
70-year-old female former smoker with long standing history of RA presents with chronic dyspnea.
Axial CT of the chest at the level of the aortic arch reveals centrilobular nodules (b, white arrowheads) , ground-glass opacities, and mosaic attenuation (b, white rings) likely due to air trapping in this context, and bronchial wall thickening (b, c teal rings). There is some irregular thickening of the interlobular septa. In the context of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis a diagnosis of follicular bronchiolitis is likely. However radiologically fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is included in the differential diagnosis
Ashley Davidoff MD 132Lu 136652cL
CT Follicular Bronchiolitis, (aka Bronchiolitis Obliterans), Centrilobular Nodules, Air Trapping, Ground Glass Opacities (GGO) in Lower Lobes
70-year-old female former smoker with long standing history of RA presents with chronic dyspnea.
Axial CT of the chest at the level of the lower lung fields reveals centrilobular nodules (b white arrowheads), ground-glass opacities, and mosaic attenuation (b, white rings) likely due to air trapping in this context.
In the context of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis a diagnosis of follicular bronchiolitis is likely. However radiologically fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is included in the differential diagnosis
Ashley Davidoff MD 132Lu 136657cL
CT Follicular Bronchiolitis, (aka Bronchiolitis Obliterans), Centrilobular Nodules, Air Trapping, Ground Glass Opacities (GGO)
70-year-old female former smoker with long standing history of RA presents with chronic dyspnea.
CT in the coronal plane of the chest at the level of the spine reveals bilateral diffuse changes in the lungs characterized by centrilobular nodules, ground-glass opacities, mosaic attenuation (likely due to air trapping in this context) and irregular thickening of the interlobular septa.
In the context of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis a diagnosis of follicular bronchiolitis is likely. However radiologically fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is included in the differential diagnosis
Ashley Davidoff MD 132Lu 136664

Bronchovascular Epicenter

Pneumonia and ILD

Coronal CT ? Acute Aspiration Pneumonia on Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease
55-year-old female with shortness of breath. CT (above) is from 4 years prior and shows an interstitial process characterized by ground glass, reticular change, and bronchiectasis. The patient presents 4 years later with fever and white count and the CT (below) shows a pneumonic process in a background of ac chronic interstitial process with cystic air spaces ns bronchiectasis, and architectural distortion. Aspiration pneumonia was considered most likely
Ashley Davidoff MD 135537
Axial CT ? Acute Aspiration Pneumonia on Chronic Interstitial Lung Disease
55-year-old female with shortness of breath. CT (above) is from 4 years prior and shows an interstitial process characterized by ground glass and reticular change. The patient presents 4 years later with fever and white count and the CT (below) shows a pneumonic process in a background of ac chronic interstitial process with cystic air spaces and architectural distortion. Aspiration pneumonia was considered most likely
Ashley Davidoff MD 135536


Links and References

1 Hour Video of Unknown Cases 5 star