Post ETT in Right Main Stem Bronchus Post Obstructive Atelectasis of the left Lower Lobe Ashley Davidoff MD 42077
68 year old ICU patient has an Xray at 2:30pm to check tube position . 4 hours later he presents with a acute respirtatory difficulty and the re is a white out of the left lung (middle image). After suction, a repeat CXR approximately 2 hours later shows improving aeration. The rapid response to suction usually infers obstruction from a mucus plug or inhalation of a foreign body with removal .
Ashley Davidoff MD
White Out After bronchoscopy for Central Cancer
72 year old female with left upper lobe mass s/p bronchoscopy complicated by lung collapse characterised by consolidation, elevated left hemidiaphragm and left ward shift of the cardio- mediastinal shadow Ashley Davidoff MD
1 Day After Bronchoscopy Re- Aeration
72 year old female with left upper lobe mass 1 day after bronchoscopy which was complicated by lung collapse (atelectasis). The CXR has returned to baseline with left hilar mass Ashley Davidoff MD Atelectasis Following Bronchoscopy 72 year old female presents with a cough. CT shows a suspicious 3.2cms central, spiculated left upper lobe mass. Ashley Davidoff MD