Infection Inflammation Malignancy Mechanical/Atelectasis Trauma Metabolic Circulatory- Hemorrhage Immune Infiltrative Idiopathic Iatrogenic Idiopathic
Aspergilloma and the Air Crescent Sign

CT scan in the axial projection with the patient in the supine position shows a soft tissue mass in the right upper lung field with an anterior crescent shaped rim of air (blue arrowheads) anterior to the aspergillus fungus ball (a, magnified in b)
Since the fungus ball is movable, when the patient is placed in the the left decubitus position c and d), the fungus ball “sinks” to the dependent position and the air moves to the most superior position (blue arrowheads)
Ashley Davidoff 78612a L
Parapneumonic Effusion – Empyema Thickened Pleura

CT scan in a 76-year-old male shows a left lower lobe consolidation (b, white arrowhead) associated with a loculated parapneumonic effusion with trapped air bubbles (b yellow arrowhead) which was culture positive and a thickened enhancing pleura
Ashley Davidoff MD 136194cL
Inflammation Benign Neoplasm Cancer