A PA CXR shows signs of atelectasis including mediastinal shift to the right (yellow arrowhead), elevation of the right hemidiaphragm (white arrowhead in a), curtain like density along the right heart border with loss of the right heart border (orange arrowhead). The right lower lung field magnified in b, shows an air bronchogram of the bronchus intermedius (purple arrowhead) with middle lobe and right lobe bronchi (light blue arrowhead) confirming atelectasis of the middle lobe and right lower lobe of the lung. The CXR in b shows resolution of the atelectasis with return of the mediastinum (almost) to its central location (yellow arrowhead in c , visualisation of the right heart border (blue arrowhead in c) and full visualisation of the right hemidiaphragm (white arrowhead in c and magnified in d).
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net