
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net

Christian Cross in hope and prayer during a time of illness
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net lungs-0709
What You Promised What I GotCollage of cigarette advertisements of the early 20th century revealing a portrayal of elegance, feminism, and manhood. The advertising campaigns worked well for the cigarette companies but had a dismal result on health. The third image from the left in the top row shows a physician who states that ?Luckies are less irritating?. 20-30 years later – some of the people who were influenced by the subconscious promise of elegance ended with the dismal inescapable existence of misery and pain as the consequences of emphysema and cancer wreaked havoc on their bodies. The habit persists and the problem continues to exist.
Keywords lung advertisement cigarettes subconscious effect fashions consequence lung carcinoma cancer emaciation COPD emphysema collage created from historic cigarette adverts and CTscan of a patient with lung cancer
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net 54458 78088c10.8s

Collage of cigarette advertisements of the early 20th century revealing a portrayal of elegance, feminism, and manhood. The advertising campaigns worked well for the cigarette companies but had a dismal result on health. The third image from the left in the top row shows a physician who states that ?Luckies are less irritating?
The world war brought free cigarettes to the soldiers from the tobacco companies. The effect on the soldiers and the culture was a devastating rise in carcinoma 20 years after the event, with peaks in the incidence of carcinoma in the 1940’s and then in the 1960’s.
54458 code historical
Ashley Davidoff MD
The CommonVein.net

54457 code historical
Cigars are not as carcinogenic as cigarettes probably due to the fact that cigar smoke is not usually inhaled. In the early 1900?s cigar smoking was associated with elegance and currently portrays a sense of bravado as demonstrated in this image.
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 13021g

From the series “People of Israel”
Ashley Davidoff MD

From the series “People of Israel”
Ashley Davidoff MD

These diseases are all about cigarettes and the garbage that they deposit in our lungs.
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. 32646d The CommonVein.net

Image on the left shows normal size and appearance of terminal bronchioles and alveoli. On the right the image shows the effects on the respiratory bronchioles and when severe, on the alveoli as well
Ashley Davidoff MD

November is COPD Awareness Month
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVeein.net

This is a collage showing the evolution of a malignant cell (1) into a nodule restricted to the epithelium (2) which with time penetrates the basement membrane and progressively extends into the submucosa and muscularis (3). Subsequent extension into local lymph nodes and blood vessels occurs (4) as well as growth into the lumen. As it grows circumferentially, narrowing and eventually obstruction of the lumen complicates the process (5) Space in tubular systems is limited and malignant growth has no respect for this space nor for boundaries. By definition malignant disease is space occupying.
Ashley Davidoff

This is the story of lung cancer, (left top) from the tobacco leaves of Virginia, to the cigarette, a nicotine filled alveolus, repeated contact with epithelium, and malignant proliferation with compromise of the lumen. People of all types affected by the curse of smoke. The histology may be of the non small cell or the small cell type, but in either case malignant and space occupying. A cough is common with the clinical presentation and a mass frequent on CT. Biopsy follows with staging by PET scan, multidisciplinary conference, and therapeutic choices ? surgery, radiation and or chemotherapy. Mortality is usually inevitable with this devastating disease, but there is always hope for a cure in early stages.
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net 10296c
keywords lung pulmonary disease introduction collage people grosspathology smoking

This is the story of lung cancer, (left top) from the tobacco leaves of Virginia, to the cigarette, a nicotine filled alveolus, repeated contact with epithelium, and malignant proliferation with compromise of the lumen. People of all types affected by the curse of smoke. The histology may be of the non small cell or the small cell type, but in either case malignant and space occupying. A cough is common with the clinical presentation and a mass frequent on CT. Biopsy follows with staging by PET scan, multidisciplinary conference, and therapeutic choices ? surgery, radiation and or chemotherapy. Mortality is usually inevitable with this devastating disease, but there is always hope for a cure in early stages.
Ashley Davidoff
keywords lung pulmonary disease introduction collage people grosspathology smoking

This is a collage of the usual treatments available for lung cancer. Top left depicts the XRT option while the Caravaggio of the sacrifice of Isaac is the surgical option and bottom right the chemotherapeutic option. (apoteek = pharmacy)
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD. TheCommonVein.net 31432c

The CT scan through the chest of an 80 year old male shows a large lung mass in the posterior aspect of the right upper lobe (overlaid in green) and3 small nodules in the left upper lobe (overlaid in green). The patient is obviously a smoker and the incriminating pack of cigarettes is identified in his right shirt pocket containing 9 cigarettes. The lung cancer was shown to be an adenocarcinoma The pathology of the nodules may either represent metastatic disease or multicentric foci of bronchioloalveolar cell carcinoma. Associated finding of a thinned anterior junction line suggests hyperinflation and emphysema, and the thickened bronchial walls noted in the right lung suggest chronic bronchitis. Saber shaped trachea is also reminiscent of emphysema. The patient is emaciated, a finding that relates both to his chronic lung disease and his cancer.
Ashley Davidoff MD 87831c01b.8s

The CTscan is from a middle-aged male with lung carcinoma in the left upper lobe (b in green) characterized by spiculated border (c) extending to the pleura, and an ipsilateral A-P window node (overlaid in green in d) and associated with profound emaciation. code lung cancer malignant mass spiculated A-P window node aortopulmonary node emaciation CTscan 3D volume rendering
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net 78088c038.8s

Ashley Davidoff MD