- 001Lu Scleroderma
- 002Lu Screening Neg to Cancer
- 003Lu Wegener?s Massive Cavitation
- 004Lu Wegener?s with Central Cavitation
- 005Lu Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia ? COP
- 006Lu TB Cavitating Miliary Vietnamese Immigrant
- 007Lu Acute Histoplasmosis
- 008 Lu Asthma
- 009Lu Chronic Histoplasmosis Bx Positive
- 010Lu 54F Chronic Miliary Histoplasmosis
- 011Lu Pneumonic Mucinous Adenocarcinoma
- 012Lu Sarcoidosis vs Silicosis in Cement Worker
- 013Lu Rapidly Growing Head and Neck Lung Metastases
- 014Lu Amyloid Lung- Nodular Form
- 015Lu Langerhans vs Inhalational Drug Cystic Disease 27M
- 016Lu Langerhans Histiocytosis 53F
- 017Lu LIP HIV AIDS Lymphoma
- 018 38F LAM and Lymphangiomas
- 019 Tracheal Narrowing Thyroid Mass
- 020Lu Aspiration and Basal Micronodules
- 021LU Emphysema, Cor Pulmonale and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 022Lu Active Sarcoidosis with Alveolar Consolidation
- 023Lu Sarcoidosis with Wide Variety of Nodules
- 024Lu Sarcoidosis, PTX, Encasement
- 025Lu Sarcoidosis Stage I Disease
- 026Lu Sarcoidosis Diffuse Ground Glass Stable 9 years
- 027Lu Crazy Paving
- 028Lu LIP Emphysema
- 029Lu Cavitating TB
- 029Lu Miscellaneous
- 030Lu Emphysema and Bronchitis
- 031Lu Linear Atelectasis on MIP
- 032Lu Bronchiectasis and Emphysema
- 033Lu Rapid Progression of UIP
- 034Lu Basal Bronchitis Bronchiectasis Young Female
- 035Lu Emphysema in 49F
- 036Lu Sarcoidosis Stage III Calcified Nodes
- 037Lu Amyloid Trachea and Bronchi
- 038Lu Amyloidosis Hilar Lymph Nodes Pericardium CAD
- 039LU TB Cavitation Pre and Post Rx
- 040Lu Emphysema with Acute on Chronic Bronchitis
- 041Lu Laryngo-tracheobronchial Papillomatosis
- 043Lu TB Gibbus Spine
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- 045Lu Covid 19 Peripheral GGO
- 045Lu Neurofibromatosis
- 046Lu Covid 19 Confluent GGO Infiltrate
- 047Lu COVID 19 p/w Abdominal Pain
- 048LU Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- 049Lu COVID and Subcutaneous emphysema
- 049Lu TB scrofula lymphadenitis pericarditis
- 050Lu Scleroderma NSIP Acro-osteolysis
- 051Lu Bronchiectasis and ILD
- 052 Emphysema and Pneumonia
- 053Lu Bronchial Artery Aneuysm
- 054 LU Right Middle Lobe Syndrome ? Bronchiectasis probable TB
- 055LU Marfans Pectus Carinatum and Annulo-aortic Ectasia
- 056Lu Kartagener?s
- 057Lu Cavitating TB
- 058LU Sarcoidosis Stage I to Stage 2 in 3 years
- 059Lu COVID and Organizing Pneumonia
- 060LU COVID Complicated by Organizing Pneumonia OP
- 061Lu Neurofibromatosis and Emphysema
- 062Lu Langerhans Histiocytosis
- 063Lu Sarcoidosis with Bronchiectasis
- 064 Sjogren’s UIP LIP Calcified Cysts ILD
- 065Lu Honeycomb Predominant ILD
- 066Lu Amyloid and severe MAC
- 067Lu 70M Lung Ca
- 068Lu Amyloid Tracheo-bronchial Tree
- 069LU Dermatomyositis no ILD
- 070Lu Amyloid Consolidative Nodular Septal
- 071Lu Acute Diffuse Sarcoidosis
- 072LU TB and Bronchiectasis
- 073Lu TB Bronchiectasis
- 074LU COVID 19 complicated by Chronic ILD
- 075 LU COVID on CXR
- 76Lu Neuroendocrine tumor with mets to axilla and supraclavicular nodes
- 077Lu Mucinous carcinoma neg FDG
- 078Lu Sarcoidosis Unilateral
- 079Lu Wegeners with Unusual Calcifications
- 080Lu Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- 081Lu 66F Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth
- 082Lu 58F Mosaic Attenuation
- 083Lu 81F UIP Honeycombing
- 084Lu 69M Neurofibromatosis Emphysema
- 085Lu 63M Acute on Chronic Bronchitis
- 086Lu 57M Honeycomb ILD
- 087Lu Adenocarcinoma Lepidic Growth
- 088Lu COPD Bronchiectasis
- 089Lu 84 Nodular Amyloid
- 090Lu Amyloid Interstitial and Calcified Micronodules
- 091Lu Sarcoid with new ILD
- 092 LU Amyloid Lung and Heart
- 093Lu Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth and Pneumonitis following Immunotherapy
- 094Lu CLL Candida and Halo Sign
- 095LU Sarcoidosis with Lymph nodes with egg shell calcification
- 096Lu Growing Cystic Lesion Non Necrotizing Granuloma
- 097Lu Metastatic Leiomyosarcoma
- 098Lu Head Cheese Mosaic Question Sarcoidosis
- 099Lu Recurrent Tension PTX with Bullous Disease
- 100Lu Chronic TB
- 101Lu Sarcoid Stage 1
- 102Lu Bulla Masquerading as PTX
- 103Lu Lipoid Pneumonia
- 104Lu Obstructing Cancer Total Atelectasis
- 105Lu Lung Cancer Atelectasis post Bronchoscopy
- 106Lu Tension Hydro/Hemothorax and Lung Cancer
- 107Lu Lobar Atelectasis Misplaced ETT
- 108 LU Left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 109Lu Cystic Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth
- 110Lu Lung Abscess
- 110Lu NSIP and Scleroderma
- 111Lu Bilateral Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration
- 112Lu Asthma and Chronic Sinusitis
- 113Lu Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
- 114Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Histiocytosis (PLHC)
- 115Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC
- 116Lu Silicosis and Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- 117Lu TB
- 118Lu Scleroderma and Aspiration Pneumonia
- 119Lu Pulmonary Edema and Intracranial Bleed
- 120 Lu Left Upper Lobe Collapse Cancer Luftschissel Sign
- 121Lu Chronic TB RUL Atelectasis
- 122Lu Combined Variable Imunedeficiency
- 123Lu ILD and Honeycomb Lung
- 124Lu Reactivation TB
- 125Lu Azygous Extension without Polysplenia
- 126Lu Scleroderma ILD Acroosteolysis Pericardial Effusion
- 127Lu COPD Pneumonia Atypical Appearance
- 128Lu Organizing Pneumonia Resolved
- 129Lu ALK + Adenocarcinoma Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
- 130Lu Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Bird Fancier?s Disease (HP)
- 131Lu Active TB with Transbronchial Spread
- 132Lu Rheumatoid Arthritis and Follicular Bronchiolitis
- 133Lu Medium and Small Airway with Tree in Bud
- 134Lu Pleural Desmoid Tumor
- 136Lu Chronic Eosinophillic Pneumonia
- 137Lu Acute Eosinophillic Pneumonia
- 138Lu Transitional Cell Ca with Cavitating Lung Metastases (TCC)
- 139Lu ILD Mistaken for Adenocarcinoma
- 140LU NSIP Sjogren’s SLE
- 141Lu Fibrotic NSIP possible
- 142Lu scleroderma no lung disease ST calcification
- 143Lu Stage 1 sarcoidosis
- 144Lu ILD Question Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- 145Lu Sarcoidosis Single Lobular Nodule Air Bronchograms
- 146Lu 58F Sjogrens LIP Amyloid
- 147Lu Drug Toxicity Lung Disease
- 148LU Amyloidosis
- 149Lu Micronodular Sarcoidosis
- 150LU Progressive ILD UIP vs Fibrotic NSIP
- 151Lu End Stage IV Sarcoidosis
- 152Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Luftsichel sign
- 153Lu Myopathy Arthritis ST Calcifications and Possible Scleroderma Overlap Fibrotic NSIP
- 154LU Bronchiectasis
- 155Lu Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Lung Cancer
- 156Lu Kartagener?s Syndrome
- 157LU Sjogren’s Basilar Cystic Lung Disease LIP
- 158Lu Adenocarcinoma with Lymphangitis and Bilateral Carcinomatosis
- 159Lu Likely Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP)
- 160Lu Segmental Subsegmental Small Airway Disease and Micronodules
- 161Lu Rasmusen Aneurysm
- 162Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Treated TB
- 163Lu Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- 164Lu Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia COP OP
- 165Lu Lung Hemorrhage on Anticoagulation following Trauma
- 167Lu TB Lungs Liver Spleen
- 168Lu Active TB cavitating pneumonia and lung collapse
- 169Lu Intralobar Sequestration
- 170Lu Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema CPFE
- 171Lu Acute Inhalational Crack Injury
- 172LU Desmoid Tumor Chest Wall
- 173Lu Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- 174Lu TB Calcified Granuloma Centered on Major Fissure
- 175Lu Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)
- 176Lu Cavitating Squamous Cell Carcinoma and XRT Changes
- 177 Lu Lung Trauma Contusions and Pneumatoceles
- 179 Lu Chronic Eosinophillic Pneumonia
- 180Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Atelectasis
- 181Lu COPD Chronic Bronchitis and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 182Lu Latent TB Apical retraction
- 183Lu Swyer-James Syndrome and Anomalous Origin of LPA off Aorta
- 184Lu Spontaneous Rupture of Bulla with Hydropneumothorax
- 185Lu Sarcoidosis with Pulmonary Artery Encasement
- 186Lu Right Upper Lobe Collapse
- 187Lu Loculated Pleural Effusion
- 188Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC Syndrome
- 189Lu UIP Predominant Reticular Change Path proven
- 190Lu Familial IPF Honeycomb Predominant
- 191Lu Early UIP Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- 192LU Acute Mycobacterium Complex
- 193Lu CHF
- 194Lu Anti-synthetase Syndrome NSIP
- 195Lu NSIP probably Cellular Scleroderma
- 196Lu Scleroderma NSIP 5 years Improved
- 197Lu SLE NSIP probable Fibrotic Pattern
- 198Lu Scleroderma Early NSIP Mild Over 3 Years
- 199Lu Fibrotic NSIP
- 200Lu Stage 4 Sarcoidosis
- 201Lu Carcinoid and Slowly Growing Multicentric Tumorlets
- 202Lu Absent Right Branch Pulmonary Arteries
- 203Lu Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia Lung
- 204Lu Birt Hogg Dube
- 205LU Non Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema and Intracranial Injury
- 206Lu Inflammatory Pseudo tumor
- 207Lu Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) NSIP (needs images)
- 208Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Broncho-vascular Granulomas
- 209Lu Necrotizing Granuloma PET Positive Bronchocentric Granulomatosis
- 210Lu Neurofibromatosis
- 211Lu Adenocarcinoma Huge Necrotic Mass
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 213 LU Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) of the Lung
- 214Lu Anca Vasculitis Acute Pulmonary Hemorrhage Renal Failure
- 215Lu Bronchitis
- 216Lu Alpha-1- Antitrypsin Deficiency with Panlobular and Centrilobular Emphysema
- 217Lu Pneumomediastinum
- 218 LU Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia (CEP)
- 219Lu Acute Aspergillus Fungal Infection Halo and Atoll Sign
- 220Lu Asthma Bronchitis Bronchiectasis Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
- 221Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
- 222Lu Aspergilloma Air Crescent Sign
- 223Lu Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis (CP) TB and Acute Pneumonia
- 224Lu Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and Finger in Glove Sign
- 225LU Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis Question Latent TB
- 226Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis and Atelectasis
- 227Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Finger in Glove
- 228Lu ABPA and Pneumonia
- 229Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma s/p Cryoablation
- 230Lu Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth and Recurrence at Suture Line
- 231Lu Castleman?s Disease
- 232LU Possible Langerhan?s Cell Histiocytosis (PLCH) Inhalational Injury
- 233Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Pseudocavitation
- 234Lu Cystic Adenocarcinoma Probable Lepidic Growth
- 235Lu Lingular Pneumonia Silhouette Sign
- 236Lu Bilateral Aspiration
- 237Lu Carcinoma of Right Upper Lobe Bronchus with Atelectasis
- 238Lu Complex Loculated Pleural Effusions
- 239Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 240Lu Rounded Atelectasis and Asbestos Related Disease
- 241Lu Panlobular and Centrilobular Emphysema Question Alpha 1 Antitrypsin
- 242Lu Bird Fancier?s Disease Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- 243Lu Paradoxical Pulmonary Embolus Lung Kidney Infarction
- 244Lu Pulmonary Embolus (PE) Lobar Perfusion Defect Hampton?s Hump Alveolar Septal Amyloidosis
- 245Lu Aspiration Pneumonia
- 246Lu CT of Moderate Congestive Heart Failure
- 247Lu Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC)
- 248Lu Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Lymphangitis Carcinomatosa
- 249LU Tracheobronchial Amyloidosis
- 250Lu Mounier Kuhn Syndrome and Lady Windermere Syndrome
- 251Lu Acute Inhalational Pneumonitis with Crazy Paving Possible Crack Lung
- 252Lu Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia
- 253Lu DIP Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia
- 254Lu Mediastinal Nodes From Cancer of Cervix Encasement of Arteries Veins and Airways
- 255Lu Cavitating Reactivation TB Pre and Post Treatment
- 256LU Reactivation TB Necrotizing Pneumonia
- 257Lu Carcinoid and Lingula Atelectasis
- 258Lu Post Partum Cardiomyopathy PE Necrotic Cavitating Infarct and Abscess
- 259Lu Infected Bulla Emphysema
- 260 Lu Necrotizing Pneumococcal Cavitating Pneumonia with Abscess Formation
- 261Lu Aspiration Pneumonia Complicated by Abscess Formation
- 262LuCarcinoid Tumor and Lung Abscess
- 263Lu Lung Abscess
- 264Lu Chronic Pulmonary Embolism with String Like Changes of the Middle Lobe Arteries
- 265Lu Miliary TB
- 266Lu Amyloidosis Microcalcifications
- 267Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as ABPA
- 268Lu Intralobar Sequestration with Pneumonia
- 269Lu White Out Post Pneumonectomy and Acquired Dextrocardia
- 270Lu Severe pectus Excavatum and Dextrocardia
- 271Lu Aspiration of Solid Food Atelectasis
- 272Lu Scleroderma Cellular NSIP Acro-osteolysis
- 273Lu Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia
- 274Lu Acute Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
- 275Lu Teratoma in the Mediastinum
- 276Lu Evolution of Linear Atelectasis aka Discoid Atelectasis aka Platelike Atelectasis over 3 Months
- 277Lu Amiodarone Toxicity
- 278Lu Amiodarone Toxicity Crazy Paving
- 279Lu Chronic Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- 280Lu Metastatic Trophoblastic Disease
- 281Lu Cavitating Pneumonia and Mycotic Pseudoaneurysm (in progress)
- 282Lu Calcified Mass in IVC Embolic to PA and Infarct ?Leiomyosarcoma in progress
- 283Lu Wegener’s Granulomatosis aka Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA)
- 284Lu ARDS Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- 285Lu Severe Congestive Heart Failure CHF
- 286Lu Adenocarcinoma p/w Pneumonia and Lymphangitis Carcinomatosa
- 287Lu Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and Dysphagia Lusoria
- 288Lu Moderate Congestive heart Failure (CHF) with Emphysema
- 289Lu Bronchopneumonia
- 290Lu Hamartoma with Superior Lingula Segmental Atelectasis
- 291Lu Familial ILD
- 292Lu COPD Bronchiectasis TB
- 293Lu Aspergilloma and Air Crescent Sign
- 294Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) over 4 years
- 295Lu Smokers Bronchiolitis in progress
- 296Lu Lymphoma
- 297Lu Small Cell Carcinoma
- 298Lu Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ?White Out? Pericardial Effusion
- 299Lu Lung Fibrosis Post COVID infection
- 300Lu Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (Fibrotic HP)
- 301Lu Acute Histoplasmosis
- 302Lu Trauma Resuscitation Pulmonary hemorrhage Acinar
- 304Lu Wegener?s granulomatosis with Polyangiitis Pulmonary Hemorrhage
- 305Lu Scleroderma Asbestos Related Calcified Pleural Plaques Aspiration Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia LIP
- 306Lu Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) Low Grade B Cell Lymphoma
- 307Lu Adenocarcinoma of the Lung Metastases to Mediastinum Adrenal and Brain
- 015H Congenital Pulmonary Stenosis
- 085H Conal artery to PA fistula (AVM)
- 098H Anomalous RCA off PA
- 099H Sinus Venosus ASD PAPVR LSVC Pulmonary Hypertension
- 106H Anomalous origin of Left Pulmonary Artery from the Aorta
- 107H 55M Severe CHF CRF CTscan Improved
- 112H Tetralogy of Fallot Post Op
- 123H Compression of the Left Atrium Left Pulmonary artery and Right Pulmonary Veins by Metastatic Mediastinal Disease
Morning Conference
00MC 1 Lung Nodule and Upper Lobe IPF
003MC Kartagener?s and Bronchiectasis
Alphabetical Listing of Diseases and Relevance to Structural Findings
- Abscess of the Lung
- 000 Abscess of the Lung
- Faces of Lung Abscess
- Abscess Cases
- 110Lu Lung Abscess
- 258Lu Post Partum Cardiomyopathy PE Necrotic Cavitating Infarct and Abscess
- 259Lu Infected Bulla Emphysema
- 260 Lu Necrotizing Pneumococcal Cavitating Pneumonia with Abscess Formation
- 261Lu Aspiration Pneumonia Complicated by Abscess Formation
- 262LuCarcinoid Tumorand Lung Abscess
- 263Lu Lung Abscess
- Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- 000 Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP)
- Faces of Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Cases of Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Adenomatoid Hyperplasia of the Lung
- 000 Adenomatoid Hyperplasia of the Lung
- Faces of Adenomatoid Hyperplasia of the Lung
- Cases of Adenomatoid Hyperplasia of the Lung
- 203Lu Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia Lung
- Air Bronchogram
- 000 Air Bronchogram
- Faces of Air Bronchogram
- Cases of Air Bronchogram
- Air Crescent Sign see also aspergilloma
- Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) see Aspergillus
- Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency with Panlobular Emphysema
- 000 Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
- Faces of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
- Cases of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
- Alveolar Proteinosis
- 000 Alveolar Proteinosis
- Faces of Alveolar Proteinosis
- Cases of Alveolar Proteinosis
- Amiodarone Toxicity
- Amyloid Map
- Cases of Amyloid
- Amyloid Map
- 014Lu Nodular Parenchymal Amyloid and Cystic Changes
- 037Lu Amyloidosis of the Trachea and Bronchi
- 038Lu Amyloidosis Hilar Lymph Nodes Pericardium CAD
66Lu Amyloid nodules alveolar septal and bronchiole and MAC - 68Lu Trachea Amyloid
70Lu Amyloid Consolidative Nodular Septal - 089Lu 84 Nodular Amyloid
- 090Lu Amyloid Interstitial and Calcified Micronodules
- 092 LU Amyloid Lung and Heart
- 146Lu 58F Sjogrens LIP Amyloid
- 148LU Amyloidosis
- 244Lu Pulmonary Embolus (PE) Lobar Perfusion Defect Hampton?s Hump Alveolar Septal Amyloidosis
- 249LU Tracheobronchial Amyloidosis
- 266Lu Amyloidosis Microcalcifications
- Anti-synthetase Syndrome
- 000 Anti-synthetase Syndrome
- Faces of Anti-synthetase Syndrome
- Cases of Anti-synthetase Syndrome
- Arterio-Venous Malformations (AVM)
- 000 Arterio-Venous Malformations (AVM)
- Faces of Arterio-Venous Malformations (AVM)
- Cases of Arterio-Venous Malformation (AVM)
- Asbestos
- 000 Asbestos and Diseases Caused by Asbestos
- Faces of Asbestos
- Cases of Asbestos
- Asbestos Related Disease
- 000 Asbestos Related Disease
- Faces of Asbestos Related Diseas
- Cases of Asbestos Related Diseas
- Asbestosis
- 000 Asbestosis
- Faces of Asbestosis
- Cases of Asbestosis
- Faces of Aspergillus Infection
- Acute Aspergillus Infection
- 000 Acute Aspergillus Infection
- Faces of Acute Aspergillus Infection
- Cases of Acute Aspergillus Infection
- 000 ABPA
- Faces of ABPA
- Cases of ABPA
- 220Lu Asthma Bronchitis Bronchiectasis Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
- 221Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)
- 226Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis and Atelectasis
- 227Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Finger in Glove
- 267Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as ABPA
- 294Lu Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA) over 4 years
- Aspergilloma (see also Air Cresent Sign)
- 000 Aspergilloma
- 000 Aspergilloma
- Cases of Aspergilloma
- Aspergillosis
- 000 Aspergillosis Aspergillus Infection
- Faces of Aspergillosis
- Cases of Aspergillosis
- Chronic Aspergillosis
- Aspergillosis Invasive Form
- Aspiration
- Asthma
- 000 Asthma
- Faces of Asthma
Asthma Cases
- Atelectasis
- 000 Atelectasis
- Art of Atelectasis
- Faces of Atelectasis
- Atelectasis Cases
- 031Lu Linear Atelectasis on MIP
- 054 LU Right Middle Lobe Syndrome – Bronchiectasis probable TB
- 104Lu Obstructing Cancer Total Atelectasis
- 105Lu Lung Cancer Atelectasis post Bronchoscopy
- 106Lu Tension Hydro/Hemothorax and Lung Cancer
- 107Lu Lobar Atelectasis Misplaced ETT
- 108 LU Left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 120 Lu Left Upper Lobe Collapse Cancer Luftschissel Sign
- 121Lu Chronic TB RUL Atelectasis
- 152Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Luftsichel sign
- 180Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Atelectasis
- 186Lu Right Upper Lobe Collapse
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 237Lu Carcinoma of Right Upper Lobe Bronchus with Atelectasis
- 239Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 240Lu Rounded Atelectasis and Asbestos Related Disease
- 271Lu Aspiration of Solid Food Atelectasis
- 276Lu Evolution of Linear Atelectasis aka Discoid Atelectasis aka Platelike Atelectasis over 3 Months
- 290Lu Hamartoma with Superior Lingula Segmental Atelectasis
- Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia
- 000 Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia
- Faces of Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia
- Cases of Atypical Adenomatoid Hyperplasia
- Atypical Pneumonia (see Pneumonia Atypical)
- Ball Valve Effect
- Batwing Pulmonary Edema
- 000 Batwing Pulmonary Edema
- Faces of Batwing Pulmonary Edema
- Cases of Batwing Pulmonary Edema
- Berylliosis
- 000 Berylliosis
- Faces of Berylliosis
- Cases of Berylliosis
- Birt Hogg Dube
- 000 Birt Hogg Dube
- Faces of Birt Hogg Dube
- Cases of Birt Hogg Dube
- Bronchial Artery
- 000 Bronchial Artery
- Faces of Bronchial Artery
- Cases of Bronchial Artery
- Bronchi Main Stem Diseases
- 000 Bronchi Main Stem Diseases
- Cases of Bronchi Main Stem Diseases
- Bronchi Segmental and Subsegmental Diseases
- 000 Segmental and Subsegmental Bronchial Diseases
- Faces of Segmental and Subsegmental Bronchial Diseases
- Cases of Segmental and Subsegmental Bronchial Diseases
- Bronchial Encasement
- 000 Bronchial Encasement
- Faces of Bronchial Encasement
- Cases of Bronchial Encasement
- Bronchial Stenosis
- 000 Bronchial Stenosis
- Faces of Bronchial Stenosis
- Cases of Bronchial Stenosis
- Bronchiectasis
- 000 Bronchiectasis
- Faces of Bronchiectasis
- Faces of Traction Bronchiectasis
- Cases of Bronchiectasis
- 032Lu Bronchiectasis and Emphysema
- 034Lu Basal Bronchitis Bronchiectasis Young Female
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- 003MC Kartagener?s and Bronchiectasis
- 051Lu Bronchiectasis and ILD
- 054 LU Right Middle Lobe Syndrome – Bronchiectasis probable TB
- 063LU Sarcoidosis and Bronchiectasis
- 72LU TB and Bronchiectasis
- 73Lu TB Bronchiectasis
- 154LU Bronchiectasis
- 88Lu COPD Bronchiectasis
- 155Lu Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Lung Cancer
- 156Lu Kartagener?s Syndrome
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 224Lu Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis and Finger in Glove Sign
- 250Lu Mounier Kuhn Syndrome and Lady Windermere Syndrome
- 292Lu COPD Bronchiectasis TB
- Bronchiolectasis
- 000 Bronchiolectasis
- Faces of Bronchiolectasis
- Cases of Bronchiolectasis
- Bronchiolitis
- 000 Bronchiolitis
- Faces of Bronchiolitis
- Cases of Bronchiolitis
- Bronchiolitis Obliterans
- 000 Bronchiolitis Obliterans (aka Constrictive Bronchiolitis)
- Faces of Bronchiolitis Obliterans
- Cases of Bronchiolitis Obliterans
- 000 Bronchiolitis Obliterans (aka Constrictive Bronchiolitis)
- Bronchitis
- 000 Bronchitis
- Faces of Bronchitis
- Cases of Bronchitis
- 030Lu Emphysema and Bronchitis
- 034Lu Basal Bronchitis Bronchiectasis Young Female
- 040Lu Emphysema with Acute on Chronic Bronchitis
- 049Lu TB Scrofula Lymphadenitis Bronchitis Pericarditis
- 113Lu Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis
- 114Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Histiocytosis (PLHC)
- 133Lu Medium and Small Airway with Tree in Bud
- 181Lu COPD Chronic Bronchitis and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 215Lu Bronchitis
- Bronchitis Chronic
- 000 Chronic Bronchitis
- Faces of Chronic Bronchitis
- Cases of Chronic Bronchitis
- Bronchocentric Granulomatosis
- 000 Bronchocentric Granulomatosis
- Faces of Bronchocentric Granulomatosis
- Cases of Bronchocentric Granulomatosis
- Bronchopleural Fistula
- 000 Bronchopleural Fistula
- Faces of
- Bronchopleural Fistula
- Cases of
- Bronchopleural Fistula
- Bronchopneumonia
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- 000 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Faces of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Cases of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
- Bronchovascular Bundle
- 000 Bronchovascular Bundle
- Art of the Broncho-vascular Bundle
- Faces of the Bronchovascular Bundle
- Faces of Bronchovascular Infiltrates
- Cases of Bronchovascular Bundle
- Bullous Lung Disease
- 000 Bullous Lung Disease
- Faces of Bullous Lung Disease
- Cases of Bullous Lung Disease
- Calcification
- Carcinoma
- 000 Cancer
- Art of Lung Cancer
- Faces of Cancer
- Cancer Cases
- 002Lu Screening and Cancer
- 013Lu Rapidly Growing Head and Neck Lung Mets
- 67Lu 70M Lung Ca Pneumonic Infiltrate
- 104Lu Obstructing Cancer Total Atelectasis
- 105Lu Lung Cancer Atelectasis post Bronchoscopy
- 115Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC
- 120 Lu Left Upper Lobe Collapse Cancer Luftschissel Sign
- 127Lu COPD Pneumonia Atypical Appearance
- 155Lu Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Lung Cancer
- 188Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC Syndrome
- 201Lu Carcinoid and Slowly Growing Multicentric Tumorlets
- 211Lu Adenocarcinoma Huge Necrotic Mass
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 229Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma s/p Cryoablation
- 230Lu Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth and Recurrence at Suture Line
- 233Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Pseudocavitation
- 234Lu Cystic Adenocarcinoma Probable Lepidic Growth
- 237Lu Carcinoma of Right Upper Lobe Bronchus with Atelectasis
- 239Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 248Lu Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Lymphangitis Carcinomatosa
- 267Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as ABPA
- 286Lu Adenocarcinoma p/w Pneumonia and Lymphangitis Carcinomatosa
- 297Lu Small Cell Carcinoma
- 298Lu Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ?White Out? Pericardial Effusion
- Primary
- Non Small Cell
- 000 Adenocarcinoma
- Faces of Adenocarcinoma
- Cases of Adenocarcinoma
- Cases of Adenocarcinoma with Lepidic Growth
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 000 Squamous
- Faces of Squamous Cancer of the Lung
- Cases of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- 115Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC Obstruction
- 152Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Luftsichel sign
- 212LU Obstructing Proximal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) with RUL collapse and Bronchiectasis
- 229Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma s/p Cryoablation
- 233Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Pseudocavitation
- 239Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with left Upper Lobe Atelectasis
- 267Lu Squamous Cell Carcinoma Masquerading as ABPA
- Small Cell
- 000 Small Cell Carcinoma
- Faces of Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung
- Cases of Small Cell Carcinoma
- Cystic Cancers
- Lymphangitis
- Unknown Cell Type
- Carcinoid – see “Carcinoid”
- Precancerous
- Non Small Cell
- 000 Candida
- Faces of Candida
- Cases of Candida
- 94Lu CLL Candida and Halo Sign
- Carcinoid
- Cardiac Failure Congestive Heart Failure CHF
- 000 CHF
- 000 Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema
- Art of CHF
- Faces of CHF
- Cases of CHF
- CHF from the Heart Module
- 003H Non Compaction CHF and Pacemaker Kerley
- 024H CHF Kerley b CXR CT
- 025H Sickle Cell CHF Spleen Bone
040 Sickle Cell and CHF
042 CHF Kerley B and A - 047H Acute MI Left Main Occlusion Batwing CXR
- 049H Early CHF CXR Equalization
- 056H Cardiomyopathy ? Chloroquine Early moderate CHF
066H Coarctation Bicuspid Aortic Valve CHF
069H Thyroid storm and VF arrest - 101H Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema CXR and CT
- 107H 55M Severe CHF CRF CTscan Improved
- Castleman’s Disease
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Catamenial Pneumothorax (see Pneumothorax Catamenial)
- Cavitation Introduction
- 000
- Faces of Cavitating Masses
- Faces of Cavitating Nodules
- Faces of Cavitating Pneumonia or Consolidations
- Cases of
- 003Lu Wegener’s with Massive Lung Cavitation
- 004Lu Wegener’s with Central Cavitation
- 006Lu TB Cavitating and Miliary
- 029Lu Cavitating TB
- 039Lu TB Cavitation Pre and Post Rx
- 057 Cavitating TB
- 79Lu Wegener’s Granulomatosis with Unusual Calcifications
- 138Lu Transitional Cell Ca with Cavitating Lung Metastases
- 258Lu Post Partum Cardiomyopathy PE Necrotic Cavitating Infarct and Abscess
- 211Lu Adenocarcinoma Huge Necrotic Mass
- Cells
- Cellular reactions and Infiltration
- Centrilobular – see Secondary Lobule
- Chest
- Chronic Bronchitis (See Bronchitis Chronic)
- Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
- 000 Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
- Faces of Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
- Cases of Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis (CWP)
- Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE) –
- see Emphysema Combined Pulmonary Finrosis)
- Common Variable Immunodeficiency Disease (CVID)
- 000 CVID
- Faces of CVID
- Cases of CVID
- Congenital/Familial Anomalies
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- 015H Congenital Pulmonary Stenosis
- 085H Conal artery to PA fistula (AVM)
- 098H Anomalous RCA off PA
- 099H Sinus Venosus ASD PAPVR LSVC Pulmonary Hypertension
- 106H Anomalous origin of Left Pulpmonary Artery from the Aorta
- 183Lu Swyer-James Syndrome and Anomalous Origin of LPA off Aorta
- 202Lu Absent Right Branch Pulmonary Arteries
- 204Lu Birt Hogg Dube
- 157LU Basilar Cystic Lung Disease LIP vs Birt Hogg Dube
- 287Lu Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and Dysphagia Lusoria
- Consolidation
- 000 COPD
- Faces of
- Cases of
- 000 COVID 19
- Art of COVID 19 and the Lung
- Faces of COVID 19
- Cases of COVID 19
- Crack Lung
- 000 Crack Lung
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Crazy Paving
- Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia COP
- 000 Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, (COP) and Organizing Pneumonia
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Cystic Diseases
- 000 Cystic Diseases
- Art of Cysts in Disease
- Faces of Cystic Lung Disease
- Faces of Cystic Cancer Lesions
- Cases of
- Amyloid
- Birt Hogg Dube
- Langerhans
- Sjogren’s
- Granuloma
- Carcinoma
- Traumatic Pneumatoceles
- Bullous Lung Disease
- Cystic Fibrosis
- 000 Cystic Fibrosis
- Faces of Cystic Fibrosis
- Cases of Cystic Fibrosis
- Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV)
- 000 Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV)
- Faces of Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV)
- Cases of Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV)
- Density of the Lung
- 000
- Faces of Cystic Lung Disease
- Cases of
- Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans
- Dermatomyositis
- 000 Dermatomyositis (in progress)
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia, DIP
- Dextrocardia
- Diaphragm
- 000
- Faces of Diaphragm
- Cases of
- Diffuse Disease – Acute
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Drug Induced Pneumonitis
- 000 Drug Induced Pneumonitis
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Effusions (see also pleural effusions)
- Embolization IR
- 000 Embolization IR
- Faces of Embolization IR
- Cases of Embolization IR
- Emergencies in the Chest Introduction
- 000 Emergencies in the Chest
- Faces of Emergencies in the Chest
- Cases of Emergencies in the Chest
- Emphysema
- 000 Emphysema Introduction
- Faces of Emphysema
- Cases of Emphysema
- Emphysema Centrilobular
- 000 Emphysema Centrilobular
- Faces of Emphysema Centrilobular
- Cases of Centrilobular Emphysema
- 21LU Emphysema, Cor Pulmonale and Pulmonary H/T
- 028Lu LIP Emphysema
- 030Lu Emphysema and Bronchitis
- 032Lu Bronchiectasis and Emphysema
- 035Lu Emphysema in 49F
- 040Lu Emphysema with Acute on Chronic Bronchitis
- 053Lu 63F Bronchial Artery Aneurysm with Emphysema and Embolisation
- 061Lu Neurofibromatosis and Emphysema
- 84Lu 69M with Neurofibromatosis and Emphysema
- 127Lu COPD Pneumonia Atypical Appearance
- 183Lu Swyer-James Syndrome and Anomalous Origin of LPA off Aorta
- 288Lu Moderate Congestive heart Failure (CHF) with Emphysema
- for see also COPD
- Emphysema Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis (CPFE)
- 000 Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)
- Faces of Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)
- Faces of Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)
- Panlobular Emphysema
- 000 Panlobular Emphysema
- Faces of Emphysema Panlobular
- Cases of PanlobularEmphysema
- Empyema
- 000 Empyema
- Faces of Empyema
- Cases of Empyema
- Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP)
- 000 Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP)
- Art of Eosinophilic Pneumonia (Acute)
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia (CEP)
- Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia (AEP)
- Extrapleural Fat Sign
- 000
- Faces of Extrapleural Fat Sign
- Cases of Extrapleural Fat Sign
- Fibrosis (see also ILD section)
- Fissures
- Fat in the Chest
- Fibrosis (see under ILD)
- Finger in Glove Sign
- 000
- Faces of Finger in Glove Sign
- Cases with Finger in Glove Sign
- Granulomatous Disease
- 000
- Faces of Granulomatous Diseases
- Cases of Granulomatous disease
- Ground Glass
- Halo Sign Introduction
- 000 Halo Sign
- Faces of Halo Sign
- Cases of Halo Sign
- Hamartoma
- 000 Hamartoma
- Faces of Hamartoma
- Cases of Hamartoma
- Hardware in the Chest
- 000 Hardware in the Chest
- Faces of Hardware in the Chest
- Cases of Hardware in the Chest
- Head Cheese Sign Introduction
- Hemorrhage
- Hernia
- 000 Hernia
- Faces of Hernia
- Cases of Hernia
- HistoplAsmosis
- Hilum Overlay Sign
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Honeycomb Lung
- Hyperinflation
- 000 Hyperinflation
- Faces of Hyperinflatio
- Faces of Hyperinflation
- Cases of Hyperinflation
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
- Immune Check Point Inhibitor Pneumonitis
- 000 Immune Check Point Inhibitor Pneumonitis (ICI) Introduction
- Faces of ICI
- Cases of ICI
- Immunotherapy Drug Toxicity
- 000 Immunotherapy Drug Toxicity
- Faces of Immunotherapy Drug Toxicity
- Cases of Immunotherapy Drug Toxicity
- Interlobular Septa (see secondary lobule)
- Interstitium Introduction
- Infiltrates
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Immune Deficiency
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Infection
- 000 Infection
- Faces of Infection
- Cases of Infection
- Infective Endocarditis
- 000 Infective Endocarditis
- Faces of Infective Endocarditis
- Cases of Infective Endocarditis
- Inflammatory Pseudotumor
- 000 Inflammatory Pseudotumor
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Interstitial Lung Disease ILD
- 000 ILD
- Faces of ILD
- Cases of
- 051Lu Bronchiectasis and ILD
- 74LU COVID 19 complicated by Chronic ILD
- 91Lu Sarcoid with new ILD
- 123Lu ILD and Honeycomb Lung
- 139Lu ILD Mistaken for Adenocarcinoma
- 140LU ILD End Stage
- 140LU NSIP Sjogren’s SLE
- 150LU Progressive ILD UIP vs Fibrotic NSIP
- 153Lu Myopathy Arthritis ST Calcifications and Possible Scleroderma Overlap Fibrotic NSIP
- 291Lu Familial ILD
- 000 IPF
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Fibrosis
- Cases of Fibrosis
- Kartagener’s Syndrome
- 000 Kartagener’s Syndrome
- Faces of Kartagener’s Syndrome
- Cases of Kartagener’s Syndrome
- Klebsiella pneumonia (see pneumonia Klebsiella)
- Lady Windermere Syndrome
- 000 Lady Windermere Syndrome
- Faces of Lady Windermere Syndrome
- Cases of Lady Windermere Syndrome
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- 000 Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (aka See also Pulmonary Langerhans PLCH)
- Art of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- Faces of Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- Cases of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- 015Lu Langerhans vs Inhalational Drug Cystic Disease 27M
- 016Lu Langerhans Histiocytosis 53F
- 062Lu Langerhans Histiocytosis
- 80Lu Langerhans Histiocytosis with Adenocarcinoma
- 114Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Histiocytosis (PLHC)
- 162Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Treated TB
- 232LU Possible Langerhans’s Cell Histiocytosis (PLCH) Inhalational Injury
- 279Lu Chronic Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- LIP (see Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia)
- Lungs
- Luftsichel Sign
- 000 Luftsichel Sign
- Faces of Luftsichel Sign
- Cases of Luftsichel Sign
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis LAM
- 000 LAM
- Faces of LAM Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- Cases of LAM Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
- Lymphangitis Carcinomatosis (see Carcinoma)
- Lymph Nodes
- 000 Lymph Nodes Introduction
- Faces of Lymph Nodes
- Faces of Lymph Nodes Calcified
- Faces of Lymph Nodes Low Density
- Lymph Node Cases
- Lymphadenopathy
- Non Calcified
- 012Lu Sarcoidosis vs Silicosis in Cement Worker
- 038Lu Amyloidosis Hilar Lymph Nodes Pericardium CAD
- 049Lu TB Scrofula Lymphadenitis Bronchitis Pericarditis
- 058LU Sarcoidosis Stage I to Stage 2 in 3 years
- 078Lu Sarcoidosis Unilateral
- 101Lu Sarcoid Stage 1
- 115Lu Central Squamous Cell Carcinoma with SVC Obstruction
- 143Lu Stage 1 sarcoidosis
- 296Lu Lymphoma
- Calcified
- 036Lu Sarcoidosis Stage II Calcified Nodes
- 038Lu Amyloidosis Hilar Lymph Nodes Pericardium CAD
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- 079Lu Wegeners with Unusual Calcifications
- 090Lu Amyloid Interstitial and Calcified Micronodules
- 116Lu Silicosis and Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- 180Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Atelectasis
- Egg Shell
- Non Calcified
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymphatics
- 000 Lymphatics
- Faces of Lymphatics of the Lungs
- Cases of Lymphatics
- Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP)
- Lymphoma
- 000 Lymphoma
- Faces of Lymphoma
- Cases of Lymphoma
- Lymphovascular Distribution
- Centrilobular Distribution
- 000 Lymphovascular Distribution
- Faces of Lymphovascular Distribution
- Cases of Lymphovascular Distribution
- Centrilobular Distribution
- Marfan’s Syndrome
- 000 Marfan’s Syndrome
- Faces of Marfan’s Syndrome
- Cases of Marfan’s Syndrom
- Masses
- Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- 000 Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Faces of Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Cases of Massive Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Mediastinum
- 000 Mediastinum
- Faces of Masses in the Mediastinum
- Cases of Mediastinum
- 000 Mesothelioma
- 000 Mesothelioma
- Cases of Mesothelioma
- Faces of Mesothelioma
- Metastatic Disease
- Microscopic Polyangiitis
- 000 Microscopic Polyangiitis (in progress)
- Faces of Microscopic Polyangiitis
- Cases of Microscopic Polyangiitis
- Microcalcifications
- 000 Microcalcifications
- Faces of Microcalcifications
- Cases of Microcalcifications
- Mosaic Attenuation
- 000 Mosaic Attenuation
- Faces of Mosaic Attenuation
- Cases of Mosaic Attenuation
- 000 Mucormycosis
- 000 Mucormycosis (in progress)
- Faces of Mucormycosis
- Cases of Mucormycosis
- Neurofibromatosis
- Nodules Introduction
- Classification
- Map
- 000
- Faces of Nodules
- Cases of
- Soft Tissue Nodules
- Calcified Nodules
- Faces of Calcified Nodules
- Cavitating Lung and Lung Masses
- Cavitating Nodules
- Centrilobular Nodules (see also secondary lobules)
- Faces of Centrilobular Nodule
- Faces of Centrilobular Nodules ? Size
- Cases of Centrilobular Nodules
- Metastases
- Miliary Nodules and Micronodules
- 000 NSIP
- Art of NSIP
- Faces of NSIP
- Cases of NSIP
- 001Lu Scleroderma NSIP and Calcinosis of the Spine
- 050Lu 28f Scleroderma NSIP Acro osteolysis
- 110Lu NSIP and Scleroderma
- 140LU NSIP Sjogren’s SLE
- 141Lu Fibrotic NSIP possible
- 150LU Progressive ILD UIP vs Fibrotic NSIP
- 153Lu Myopathy Arthritis ST Calcifications and Possible Scleroderma Overlap Fibrotic NSIP
- 194Lu Anti-synthetase Syndrome NSIP
- 195Lu NSIP probably Cellular Scleroderma
- 196Lu Scleroderma NSIP 5 years Improved
- 197Lu SLE NSIP probable Fibrotic Pattern
- 198Lu Scleroderma Early NSIP Mild Over 3 Years
- 199Lu Fibrotic NSIP
- 207Lu Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)NSIP (needs images)
- 272Lu Scleroderma Cellular NSIP Acro-osteolysis
- NSIP Fibrotic
- NSIP Cellular
- 000 Cellular NSIP
- Faces of Cellular NSIP
- Cases of Cellular NSIP
- NSIP Fibrotic
- 000 Fibrotic NSIP
- Faces of Fibrotic NSIP
- Cases of Fibrotic NSIP
- Obliterative Bronchiolitis aka Constrictive Bronchiolitis
- (see Bronchiolitis Obliterative Constrictive)
- Oxidative Stress and Lung Diseases
- 000 Oxidative Stress and Lung Diseases
- Faces of Oxidative Stress and Lung Diseases
- Cases of Oxidative Stress and Lung Diseases
- Papillomatosis
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- PCP PJP Pneumocystis
- Pectus Excavatum
- Pericardial Effusion
- Pleura Introduction
- Pleural Space Introduction
- Pleural Disease
- 000 Pleural Disease
- Faces of Pleural Disease
- Cases of Pleural Disease
- Pleural Effusion(see also “Effusions”)
- Pleural Calcification
- 000 Pleural Calcification
- Faces of Pleural Calcification
- Cases of Pleural Calcification
- see also asbestos related diseases
- Pleural Tumors
- 000 Pleural Tumor
- Faces of Pleural Tumor
- Cases of Pleural Tumor
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia See Pneumonia Pneumocystis
- Pneumoconioses
- 000 Pneumoconioses
- Faces of Pneumoconioses
- Cases of Pneumoconioses
- Pneumothorax
- Pneumothorax Catamenial
- 000 Catamenial Pneumothorax
- Faces of Catamenial Pneumothorax
- Cases of Catamenial Pneumothorax
- Pneumonectomy
- 000 Pneumonectomy
- Faces of Pneumonectomy
- Cases of Pneumonectomy
- Pneumonia
- For Bronchopneumonia see “Bronchopneumonia”
- Cases of
- Infection
- Pneumonia and Inflammation
- Aspiration see Aspiration Cases
- Lipoid Pneumonia
- Sarcoidosis
- Amyloid
- Aspiration see Aspiration Cases
- Pneumonia and Carcinoma
- Cases of
- Pneumonia and COP OP
- Pneumonia Atypical
- 000 Atypical Pneumonia
- Faces of Atypical Pneumonia
- Cases of Atypical Pneumonia
- Pneumonia Klebsiella
- 000 Klebsiella Pneumonia
- Faces of Klebsiella Pneumonia
- Cases of Klebsiella Pneumonia
- Pneumonia Pneumocystis
- 000 Pneumonia Pneumocystis
- Faces of Pneumonia Pneumocystis
- Sases Pneumonia Pneumocystis
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- 000 Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Faces of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Cases of Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Polymyositis and the Lungs in progress
- Polysplenia Syndrome
- 000 Polysplenia Syndrome
- Faces of Polysplenia Syndrome
- Cases of Polysplenia Syndrome
- Position of Disease
- Art of Position of Disease in the Chest
- Upper Lobe Disease
- 000 Upper Lobe Disease
- Faces of Upper Lung Field Diseases
- Cases of Upper Lobe Disease
- Right Upper Lobe Disease
- 000 Right Upper Lobe Disease
- Faces of Right Upper Lobe
- Cases of Right Upper Lobe Disease
- Lingula
- 000 Lingula
- Faces of the Lingula
- Cases of Lingula
- Middle Lobe
- 000 Middle Lobe
- Faces of the Middle Lobe
- Cases of Middle Lobe
- Central Lung Fields
- 000 Central Lung Fields
- Faces of Disease in Central Lung Fields
- Cases of Central Lung Fields
- Lower Lung Field Disease
- 000 Lower Lung Field Disease
- Faces of Lower Lung Field Disease
- Cases of Lower Lung Field Disease
- Right Lower Lobe
- 000 Right Lower Lobe
- Faces of the Right Lower Lobe
- Cases of Right Lower Lobe
- Peripheral Lung Fields
- 000 Peripheral Lung Fields
- Faces of Peripheral Lung Disease
- Cases of Peripheral Lung Fields
- Prone Imaging
- 000 Prone Imaging
- Faces of Prone Imaging
- Cases of Prone Imaging
- Pseudoaneurysm
- 000 Pseudoaneurysm
- Faces of Pseudoaneurysm
- Cases of Pseudoaneurysm
- Pulmonary Arteries Main Introduction
- Congenital Abnormalities of the Pulmonary Arteries
- 000 Congenital Abnormalities of PAs
- Faces of Congenital Abnormalities of PAs
- Cases of Congenital Abnormalities of PAs
- Pulmonary Arteries Main Branches
- 000 Pulmonary Artery
- Faces of the Pulmonary Artery
- Cases of Pulmonary Artery
- 024Lu Sarcoidosis, PTX, Encasement, PE, PAH
- 049Lu TB Scrofula Lymphadenitis Bronchitis Pericarditis (PA encasement)
- 103Lu Lipoid Pneumonia
- 161Lu Rasmusen Aneurysm
- 106H Anomalous origin of Left Pulmonary Artery from the Aorta
- 185Lu Sarcoidosis with Pulmonary Artery Encasement
- 123H Compression of the Left Atrium Left Pulmonary artery and Right Pulmonary Veins by Metastatic Mediastinal Disease
- 254Lu Mediastinal Nodes From Cancer of Cervix Encasement of Arteries Veins and Airways
- Pulmonary Arteries Medium Sized
- Pulmonary Artery Calcification
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Pulmonary Arteries Centrilobular
- Pulmonary Artery Encasement
- 000
- Faces of Encasement Arteries
- Cases of
- Congenital Abnormalities of the Pulmonary Arteries
- Pulmonary Edema (see also Batwing and CHF )
- Non Cardiogenic
- Pulmonary Embolus (PE)
- 000 Pulmonary Embolism
- Cases
- Acute PE
- 000 Acute PE
- Faces of Pulmonary Embolus (PE) Acute
- Cases of Acute PE
- PE with Infarction or Ischemia
- Subacute PE
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Chronic PE
- 000 Chronic PE
- Faces of Pulmonary Emboli PE Chronic
- Cases of Chronic PE
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- 000 Pulmonary Hypertension
- Faces of Pulmonary Hypertension
- Cases of Pulmonary Hypertension
- 021LU Emphysema, Cor Pulmonale and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 024Lu Sarcoidosis, PTX, Encasement, PE, PAH
- 099H Sinus Venosus ASD PAPVR LSVC Pulmonary Hypertension
- 181Lu COPD Chronic Bronchitis and Pulmonary Hypertension
- 183Lu Swyer-James Syndrome and Anomalous Origin of LPA off Aorta Pulmonary Hypertension
- Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
- (see Langerhans Histiocytosis)
- Pulmonary Valve
- Pulmonary Valve Stenosis
- 000 Pulmonary Stenosis (TCV Heart )
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Pulmonary Veins Introduction
- Main
- Medium Sized
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Interlobular Septa
- Pulmonary Veins Encasement
- 000
- Faces of Encasement of the Pulmonary Veins
- Cases Pulmonary Vein Encasement
- Radiation
- Respiratory Bronchiolitis ILD
- 000 Respiratory Bronchiolitis ILD
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Reticular Changes
- 000 Reticular Changes
- Faces of Reticular Changes Reticulations
- Cases of Reticular Changes
- Rheumatoid Arthritis and The Lungs
- Sarcoidosis
- 000 Sarcoidosis
- Art of Sarcoidosis
- Faces of Sarcoidosis
- Cases of Sarcoidosis
- 001H Probable Sarcoidosis
- 012Lu Sarcoidosis vs Silicosis in Cement Worker
- 012H Sarcoidosis Pericardium Myocardium and Lung
- 016H 57M Sarcoid, Heart, Liver Lymph Nodes, Neg Chest
- 22Lu Active Sarcoidosis with Alveolar Consolidation
- 23Lu Sarcoidosis with Wide Variety of Nodules
- 023H Sarcoidosis Takotsubo and a Police Visit
- 024Lu Sarcoidosis, PTX, Encasement, PE, PAH
- 025Lu Sarcoidosis Stage I Disease
- 026Lu Sarcoidosis Diffuse Ground Glass Stable 9 years
- 036Lu Sarcoidosis Stage II Calcified Nodes
- 058LU Sarcoidosis Stage I to Stage 2 in 3 years
- 063LU Sarcoidosis and Bronchiectasis
- 71Lu Acute Diffuse Parenchymal Sarcoidosis
- 78LU Unilateral Parenchymal Sarcoidosis
- 91Lu Sarcoid with new ILD
- 95Lu Sarcoidosis Lymph Nodes with Egg Shell Calcification
- 101Lu Sarcoid Stage 1
- 143Lu Stage 1 sarcoidosis
- 145Lu Sarcoidosis Single Lobular Nodule Air Bronchograms
- 149Lu Micronodular Sarcoidosis
- 151Lu End Stage IV Sarcoidosis
- 155Lu Sarcoidosis Masquerading as Lung Cancer
- 180Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Atelectasis
- 185Lu Sarcoidosis with Pulmonary Artery Encasement
- 200Lu Stage 4 Sarcoidosis
- 208Lu Sarcoidosis Lymphadenopathy and Broncho-vascular Granulomas
- Scleroderma
- 000 Scleroderma
- Faces of Scleroderma
- Cases
- 001Lu Scleroderma NSIP and Calcinosis of the Spine
- 050Lu 28f Scleroderma NSIP Acro osteolysis
- 110Lu NSIP and Scleroderma
- 118Lu Scleroderma and Aspiration Pneumonia
- 126Lu Scleroderma ILD Acroosteolysis Pericardial Effusion
- 142Lu scleroderma no lung disease ST calcification
- 153Lu Myopathy Arthritis ST Calcifications and Possible Scleroderma Overlap Fibrotic NSIP
- 195Lu NSIP probably Cellular Scleroderma
- 196Lu Scleroderma NSIP 5 years Improved
- 198Lu Scleroderma Early NSIP Mild Over 3 Years
- 272Lu Scleroderma Cellular NSIP Acro-osteolysis
- 305Lu Scleroderma Asbestos Related Calcified Pleural Plaques Aspiration Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia LIP
- Secondary Lobules Introduction
- Faces of the the Secondary Lobule Arteriole
- Faces of the the Secondary Lobule Lymphatics Intralobular
- Faces of the the Secondary Lobule Lymphatics Septal
- Faces of the the Secondary Lobule Small Airways
- Faces of the the Secondary Lobule Venule
- Faces of the Secondary ? Lobule Position
- Faces of the Secondary Lobule ? Shape
- Faces of the Secondary Lobule Character
- Intralobular Space
- Centrilobular Disease
- 000 Centrilobular Disease
- Faces of Centrilobular Disease
- Cases of Centrilobular Disease(see also nodules centrilobular)
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- 022Lu Active Sarcoidosis with Alveolar Consolidation
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- Centrilobular Nodule
- Faces of Centrilobular Nodule
- Faces of Centrilobular Nodules ? Size
- Cases of Centrilobular Nodules
- Interlobular Septa (see secondary lobule)
- 000 Interlobular Septa
- Faces of Interlobular Septa
- Cases of Interlobular Septa
- Panlobular Disease
- 000 Panlobular Disease
- Faces of Secondary Lobule Panlobular
- Cases of Panlobular Disease
- Interlobular Septa
- 000 Interlobular Septa
- Faces of Interlobular Septa on CXR
- Faces of the Interlobular Septum
- Cases of Interlobular Septa
- Sequestration Extralobar Sequestration
- 000 Extralobar Sequestration
- Faces of Extralobar Sequestration
- Cases of Extralobar Sequestration
- Sequestration Intralobar Sequestration
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Shaggy Heart Border
- 000 Shaggy Heart Border
- Faces of Shaggy Heart Border
- Cases of Shaggy Heart Border
- Silhouette Sign
- 000 Silhouette Sign
- Faces of Silhouetting
- Cases of Silhouette Sign
- Silicosis
- 000 Silicosis
- Faces of Silicosis
- Cases of Silicosis
- Situs Inversus
- 000 Situs Inversus
- Faces of Situs Inversus
- Cases of Situs Inversus
- Sjogren’s Syndrome
- 000 Sjogren’s
- Faces of Sjogren’s Syndrome
- Cases of Sjogren’s Syndrome
- 000 SLE
- Faces of SLE
- Cases of SLE
- Small Airway Disease
- Map
- 000 Small Airway Disease
- Art of Small Airways
- Faces of Small Airway Disease
- Cases of Small Airway Disease
- Subpleural Sparing
- 000 Subpleural Sparing
- Faces of Subpleural Sparing
- Cases of Subpleural Sparing
- Swyer James Syndrome
- 000 Swyer James
- Faces of Swyer James Syndrome
- Cases of Swyer James Syndrome
- Teratoma
- 000 Teratoma
- Faces of Teratoma
- Cases of Teratoma
- Tip of the Iceberg Sign
- 000 Tip of the Iceberg Sign
- Faces of Tip of Iceberg Sign
- Cases of Tip of the Iceberg Sign
- Tracheal Disease
- 000 Tracheal Disease
- Faces of Trachea Disease
- Cases of Tracheal Disease
- TB
- 000 TB
- Faces of TB
- Faces of TB Latent
- Faces of TB Reactivation or Active
- Cases of TB
- 006Lu TB Cavitating and Miliary
- 029Lu Cavitating TB
- 039Lu TB Cavitation Pre and Post Rx
- 043Lu TB Gibbous Spine
- 044Lu Chronic Inactive TB Lymphatic Distribution
- 049Lu TB Scrofula Lymphadenitis Bronchitis Pericarditis
- 054 LU Right Middle Lobe Syndrome – Bronchiectasis probable TB
- 057 Cavitating TB
- 72LU TB and Bronchiectasis
- 73Lu TB Bronchiectasis
- 100Lu Chronic TB
- 117Lu TB
- 121Lu Chronic TB RUL Atelectasis
- 124Lu Reactivation TB
- 131Lu Active TB with Transbronchial Spread
- 161Lu Rasmusen Aneurysm
- 162Lu Pulmonary Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis and Treated TB
- 167Lu TB Lungs Liver Spleen
- 168Lu Active TB cavitating pneumonia and lung collapse
- 174Lu TB Calcified Granuloma Centered on Major Fissure
- 182Lu Latent TB Apical retraction
- 192LU Acute Mycobacterium Complex
- 247Lu Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC)
- 250Lu Mounier Kuhn Syndrome and Lady Windermere Syndrome
- 265Lu Miliary TB
- 292Lu COPD Bronchiectasis TB
- Trauma Blunt
- 000 Blunt Trauma
- Faces of Blunt Trauma
- Cases of Blunt Trauma
- Tree in Bud
- 000 UIP
- Faces of UIP
- Cases of UIP
- Wegener’s Granulomatosis PGA
- Vasculitis
- 000
- Faces of
- Cases of
- Wegener?s aka GPA Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
- 000 Wegener?s aka GPA Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
- Faces of Wegener?s aka Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
- Cases of Wegener?s aka GPA Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis
- White Out
- 000 White Out
- Faces of Whole Lung Atelectasis Collapse
- Cases of
- 104Lu Obstructing Cancer Total Atelectasis
- 105Lu Lung Cancer Atelectasis post Bronchoscopy
- 106Lu Tension Hydro/Hemothorax and Lung Cancer
- 107Lu Lobar Atelectasis Misplaced ETT
- 269Lu White Out Post Pneumonectomy and Acquired Dextrocardia
- 298Lu Small Cell Lung Carcinoma ?White Out? Pericardial Effusion
Pleural Space