24 year old male with SLE presented with chest pain and dyspnea and initial CT showed occlusive pulmonary emboli to the right lower lobe (a,b, red arrowhead) with total occlusion of the right lobe artery extending into posterior basal segmental vessels (red ring d compared with normal vessels surrounded by white rin (d). An associated wedge shaped ground glass region is noted (e,f red arrowhead) representing either hemorrhage or early infarction
Ashley Davidoff MD
24 year old male with SLE presented with chest pain and dyspnea and initial CT showed occlusive pulmonary emboli to the right lower lobe initially associated with a wedge shaped ground glass region. 2 weeks later this evolved into a bronchopleural fistula, with a loculated pneumothorax in the right lower lobe (green star in a,b,c,d).with an air fluid level (yellow arrowhead in a,c,d) and a region of compressive atelectasis (white arrowhead a,c,d).
Ashley Davidoff MD