• The azygoesophageal line is an
    • anatomical landmark representing
      • interface between the azygos vein and the esophagus,
    • typically located at the T5 to T6 vertebral levels.
    • It serves as a
      • critical
        reference point when assessing the posterior mediastinum and
      • identifying surrounding structures.
    • The azygos vein, which runs
      along the right side of the thoracic spine
      • drains blood from the thoracic wall and upper lumbar regions into the superior vena cava, while
    • the esophagus lies
      • anterior to the aorta and posterior to the
    • Abnormalities in the azygo-esophageal line can indicate
      pathological conditions such as
      • mediastinal masses (tumors or
      • esophageal varices,
      • strictures, or anomalies of the azygos vein.
Azygo-esophageal line
Ashley Davidoff MD 32682c
Azygo-esophageal line Note the right border of the line is formed by the ascending azygous vein (red arrowheads) and the azygous vein appears as a rounded density above the right main stem bronchus (blue arrowhead) just before it enters the upstream SVC. Air in the noted in the  esophagus (pink arrowheads).
TheCommonVein.net  Ashley Davidoff MD 32682cL
Azygo-esophageal line
Note the right border of the line is formed by the ascending azygous vein (red arrowheads) and the azygous vein appears as a rounded density above the right main stem bronchus (blue arrowhead) just before it enters the upstream SVC. Air in the noted in the  esophagus (pink arrowheads).
TheCommonVein.net  Ashley Davidoff MD 32682cL



Azygo-esophageal line
Ashley Davidoff MD 32682