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The imaging difference between healthy lungs (thumbs up) and emphysematous lungs (thumbs down)
Ashley Davidoff MD
TheCommonVeein.net lungs-0071-low-res
Ashley Davidoff MD
Science Museum, London
Gardiner, James
Wellcome London Licence: In copyright
Collage of cigarette advertisements of the early 20th century revealing a portrayal of elegance, feminism, and manhood. The advertising campaigns worked well for the cigarette companies but had a dismal result on health. The third image from the left in the top row shows a physician who states that ?Luckies are less irritating?. 20-30 years later – some of the people who were influenced by the subconcious promise of elegance ended with the dismal inescapable existence of misery and pain as the consequences of emphysema and cancer wreaked havoc on their bodies. The habit persists and the problem continues to exist.
Keywords lung advertisement cigarettes subconcious effect fashions consequence lung carcinoma cancer emaciation COPD emphysema collage created from historic cigarette adverts and CTscan of a patient with lung cancer
Ashley Davidoff TheCommonVein.net 54458 78088c10.8s
54457 code historical
Cigars are not as carcinogenic as cigarettes probably due to the fact that cigar smoke is not usually inhaled. In the early 1900?s cigar smoking was associated with elegance and currently portrays a sense of bravado as demonstrated in this image.
Courtesy Ashley Davidoff MD 13021g