72 year old female with asthma presented
3 years prior with dyspnea.

72 year old female with asthma presented 3 years prior with acute dyspnea.
CT scout shows hyperinflated lung fields without acute infiltrates
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 135116.0011
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 135116bc.0001
Mucoid Impaction and Bronchial Wall Thickening

ABPA 3 years prior
72 year old female with asthma presented 3 years prior with acute dyspnea.
CT in the axial plane shows thickening of the segmental and subsegmental airways of the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with mucoid impaction
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 135116b.0001c

ABPA 3 years prior CT Scan RUL
72 year old female with asthma presented 3 years prior with dyspnea.
CT in the axial plane shows thickening of the segmental and subsegmental airways of the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with mucoid impaction
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 135116bc.0001
1 year Later Segmental Atelectasis Likely from Mucoid Impaction

72 year old female with asthma presented 2 years prior with acute dyspnea.
CT in the axial plane shows subsegmental atelectasis of an anterior subsegment of the RUL with impaction and bronchiectasis of visualized anterior segmental airways and a posterior subsegmental airway
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 135116c.0017

72 year old female with asthma presents with a cough and dyspnea
CXR in frontal and lateral projection show hyperinflated lung fields characterized by flattening of the hemidiaphragms, pectus carinatum and a barrel chest. There is partial silhouetting of the left heart border resulting from segmental consolidation of the medial segment of the ligula (b, white arrowhead) and confirmed on the lateral exam (d, white arrowhead). There is thickening of the airways subtending the right lower lobe (b, teal arrowhead).
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 117965cL
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis
Finger in Glove Sign

CT scan with contrast shows finger in glove appearance of the anterior segmental airways of the right upper lobe ) with a focal region of subsegmental atelectasis medially. The finger in glove sign results thick, mucus plugs within the bronchi due to the exaggerated inflammatory and immune response caused by Aspergillus fumigatus leading to airway inflammation, mucus production, bronchial wall thickening, and bronchiectasis.
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net 294Lu 117966c
New Lingula Atelectasis

ABPA Current CT Scan
72 year old female with asthma with cough and chronic dyspnea.
CT in the axial plane shows subsegmental atelectasis of the lingula likely caused by mucoid impaction
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 117969c
Ongoing Mucoid Impaction in the RLL

ABPA Current CT Scan RUL
72 year old female with asthma with cough and chronic dyspnea.
CT in the axial plane shows thickening of the segmental and subsegmental airways of the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with mucoid impaction and tree in bud formation
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 294Lu 117967c
Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis Low Density Lymph Nodes

CT scan with contrast shows a cluster of low density lymph nodes in the anterior mediastinum in the retro-clavicular region
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net 294Lu 117970

CT scan with contrast shows finger in glove appearance of the anterior segmental airways of the right upper lobe (orange arrowheads a, b) with a focal region of subsegmental atelectasis (red arrow head a,b).
The lower panel shows a cluster of low density lymph nodes in the anterior mediastinum in the retro-clavicular region (yellow arrowheads c,d) .
Ashley Davidoff MD The CommonVein.net 294LU 117972b