CXR Intralobar Sequestration Normal CXR 3 Years Prior

Frontal CXR of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration shows a close to normal appearing CXR . In retrospect she has a diagnosis of an intralobar sequestration of the apical segment of the left lower lobe of the lung and with that knowledge the observation of a relative lucency in the region of the apical segment, the shape deformity of the heart, relative elevation of the left pulmonary artery and subtle flattening of the left hemidiaphragm is questioned.
Ashley Davidoff MD 121372b.8
CXR Intralobar Sequestration LLL Infiltrate 3 years Later

Frontal CXR of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration presents with a fever, cough, productive sputum, and an elevated white cell count. The CXR shows a cystic appearing infiltrate of a large part of the upper portion of the left lower lobe consistent with an atypical appearing pneumonia .
Ashley Davidoff MD 121373b.8
Left Lower Pneumonia with Peripheral Cystic Changes

An axial CT scan of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration shows a left lower pneumonia with a surrounding region of cystic changes
Ashley Davidoff MD 121374b
An axial CT scan (A) of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration shows a left lower pneumonia (arrowhead) with a surrounding region of emphysema (arrow). A reformatted coronal image (B) shows a systemic artery arising from the descending aorta (arrow) that supplies the sequestration.
Left Lower Pneumonia with
Aberrant Artery off the Aorta to the Left Lower Lobe

An axial CT scan of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration shows a left lower consolidation supplied by an aberrant artery off the aorta (b, white arrowhead)
Ashley Davidoff MD 121376cL

Coronal CT of a 31-year-old woman with an intralobar sequestration shows a left lower consolidation supplied by an aberrant artery off the aorta Ashley Davidoff MD 121376cL