- 59 yo F who is a
- 1 PPD smoker with a
- PMH of breast cancer s/p resection and XRT (14years ago), COPD, CKD3, T2DM, HTN,HLD,
1 Year Ago

CT scan 1 year prior was normal in the region of the cancer subsequently identified
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
Current Peripheral Parenchymal infiltrate Along the Bronchovascular Bundle
CT scan 1 year later shows a subsegmental peripheral infiltrate in the lateral segment of the middle lobe which is almost wedge shaped. Biopsy confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
- newly found 2.4 cm
- pleural based RML lung nodule

CT scan 1 year later shows a subsegmental peripheral infiltrate in the lateral segment of the middle lobe which is almost wedge shaped. Biopsy confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
PET Scan Positive

PET Positive Peripheral Parenchymal infiltrate in the lung
Biopsy confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
1 Month Later Pre cryoablation

CT scan prior to biopsy and cryoablation shows a more rotund and mass like lesion in the middle lobe of the lung, indicating growth
Biopsy confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
Biopsy and Cryoablation

CT guided biopsy and cryoablation shows the needle in good position for biopsy and ablation
Biopsy confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
Post Cryoablation with Contusion and Pneumothorax

Following biopsy and cryoablation a contusion is noted in the lung associated with a small pneumothorax
Biopsy of the lung confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
1 Month Post Follow Up Necrotic Tumor with Liquefaction

The previously identified nodular lesion shows air bubbles indicating necrosis The denser component measured water density. No soft tissue component was identified.
Biopsy of the lung lesion confirmed the presence of a squamous cell carcinoma.
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net