Bronchitis and Focal Bronchiectasis

69 year old female presents with a cough.  CXR frontal view shows diffuse mild increase in lung markings in the right mid and lower lung fields.  There is mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm
Ashley Davidoff MD

Bronchitis and Focal Bronchiectasis
69 year old female presents with a cough.  CXR frontal view shows diffuse mild increase in lung markings in the right mid and lower lung fields.  There is mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm
Ashley Davidoff MD

Bronchitis and Focal Bronchiectasis

Bronchitis and Focal Bronchiectasis
69 year old female presents with a cough.  CT in the coronal plane  shows thickening of the segmental and subsegmental airways (basilar segments), with foci of bronchiectasis (apical segment).  There is mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm
Ashley Davidoff MD

Bronchitis Right Lower Lobe

Bronchitis Right Lower Lobe
69 year old female presents with a cough.  CT in the axial plane  shows thickening of the segmental and subsegmental airways (basilar segments),in the right lower lobe compared to the normal appearing airways in the left lower lobe
Ashley Davidoff MD
Bronchitis Right Lower Lobe
69 year old female presents with a cough.  CT in the axial plane  shows thickening of the  subsegmental airways (basilar segments),in the right lower lobe compared to the normal appearing airways in the left lower lobe.  Note also thickening of the interlobular septa that contribute to the reticular CXR findings
Ashley Davidoff MD


Bronchiectasis Right Lower Lobe

Bronchiectasis Right Lower Lobe
69 year old female presents with a cough.  CT in the axial plane  shows a focal region of bronchiectasis in the right lower lobe.  Note the associated linear scarring that contributes to the reticular CXR findings
Ashley Davidoff MD