47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH

XR shows bilateral hilar fullness and central reticular changes. RUL lung nodule
47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH 31938

XR shows hilar fullness
47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH
Ashley Davidoff 31940

47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
CT shows bilateral relatively small calcified mediastinal nodes
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH 31951

47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
CT shows bilateral encasement of the both pulmonary arteries by a soft tissue mass
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH 31943c

47 year old female with sarcoidosis, a V/Q scan with high probability and an angiogram showing encasement of the pulmonary arteries by the central granulomatous process
CT (a,b, c) shows encasement and narrowing of the descending right pulmonary artery red arrows (a,b) and of the left descending artery on CT (green arrows a,b) and on the pulmonary angiogram (green arrow d)
Courtesy Priscilla Slanetz MD MPH 31946cL
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