A slowly expanding cystic lesion in her LLL that has been followed for 4years was biopsied and found to be a new adenocarcinoma, lepidic type
8 Years Ago
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 8 years ago for follow up CT and shows no obvious lesion in the left lower lobe Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
6 Years Ago
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 6 years ago for follow up CT and shows a small complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
4 Years Ago
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 4 years ago for follow up CT and shows a growing complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 2 years ago for follow up CT and shows a complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe that continues to grow Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
1Year Ago
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 1 year ago for follow up CT and shows a complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe that continues to grow andnow shows irregularity and some thickening along the walls. Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 1 year ago for follow up CT and shows a complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe that continues to grow and now shows irregularity and some thickening along the walls. CT guided biopsy shows the needle along the walls of the lesion. The lesion has filled with fluid – probably blood Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 1 year ago for follow up CT and shows a complex cystic lesion in the left lower lobe that continues to grow and now shows irregularity and some thickening along the walls. CT guided biopsy revealed adenocarcinoma with lepidic growth and PET scan shows nodular hypermetabolic activity along the walls Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net
She completed chemoXRT of her LLL adenocarcinoma
77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 1 year following radiation and chemotherapy and the follow up CT shows that the lesion is smaller and has post radiation changes in the surrounding lung parenchyma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 77 year old female with head and neck cancer presents 1 year following radiation and chemotherapy and the follow up CT shows that the lesion is smaller and has post radiation changes in the surrounding lung parenchyma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net