Note Case courtesy of Mohammadtaghi Niknejad,, rID: 85784
web lungs 687

This is a post mortem specimen of a lung in a patient who had primary lung carcinoma with metastatic disease, in whom an incidental benign fibrous mesothelioma was found. The upper image reflects the external surface and the lower image the internal aspect of the lung. Note in the extrinsic mass effect on the lung in both images. Also note the accumulation of carbon in the interlobular septa in the upper image 32198c
lungs pulmonary pleura nodule neoplasm benign fibrous mesothelioma gross pathology
Ashley Davidoff MD 32198c
- aka benign fibrous mesothelioma
- is a benign neoplasm of the
- pleura
- BFM is most commonly found in
- women of reproductive age,
- can affect people of any age anEtiology
- uknown
- ?exposure to asbestos,
- radiation, or
- certain chemicals.
- uknown
- can affect people of any age anEtiology
- women of reproductive age,
- Symptoms
- asymptomatic
- chest pain,
- shortness of breath,
- abdominal pain, or a
- Diagnosis
- CT scans, or
- MRIs,
- biopsy
- Treatment options for BFM may include surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
- Prognosis
- generally good, wit
- small risk of recurrence or
- malignant transformation
- generally good, wit