79 year old male with a 5.5cms mass in the left upper lobe shown on frontal views of the chest taken 4 years apart and showing no growth. The mass is characterized by heterogeneous calcifications Findings are consistent with a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net hamartoma 006v 79 year old male with a 5.5cms mass in the left upper lobe shown on CT coronal reformats (upper) and axial projection (lower) on bone and soft tissue windows. The mass is characterized by heterogeneous “popcorn-like” calcifications Findings are consistent with a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net hamartoma 003c 79 year old male with a 5.5cms mass in the left upper lobe shown on CT sagittal reformats on lung windows and bone windows. The mass is characterized by heterogeneous “popcorn-llike” calcifications Findings are consistent with a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net hamartoma 004b
65 year old male with incidental finding of a nodule in the left mainstem bronchus . Pathology confirmed a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonvein.net hamartoma
65 year old male with incidental finding of a nodule in the left mainstem bronchus . Pathology confirmed a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonvein.net hamartoma 004 65 year old male with incidental finding of a nodule in the left mainstem bronchus . Pathology confirmed a hamartoma Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonvein.net hamartoma 003