1-day old baby boy who was noted to have hydronephrosis on a prenatal ultrasound. Sagittal view of the thick-walled bladder and dilated proximal urethra is reminiscent of a keyhole. These findings are manifestations of a proximal severe obstruction of the posterior urethra with secondary dilation caused by posterior urethral valves, with secondary bladder outlet obstruction and hypertrophy of the bladder as a result
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 135747c
1-day old baby boy who was noted to have hydronephrosis on a prenatal ultrasound. Sagittal view of the thick-walled bladder and dilated proximal urethra is reminiscent of a keyhole. These findings are manifestations of a proximal severe obstruction of the posterior urethra with secondary dilation caused by posterior urethral valves, with secondary bladder outlet obstruction and hypertrophy of the bladder as a result
Ashley Davidoff MD TheCommonVein.net 135743c