Ashley Davidoff
Newton Center
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
It has been a hard one from many perspectives – but there is some light in the tunnel
Ashley Davidoff
This picture is unadulterated except for a 90 degree ccw rotation and a small increase in saturation
Kidron Valley Vermont in the Fall
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon AF Adobe and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
AF Fractal Technique
Ashley Davidoff
Original was a reflection of a tree trunk in a melting ice puddle – With manipulation of contrast and saturation, the green which was the bordering grass became the tree top and the orange leaves in the puddle started to look like flowers around the tree. That the trunk is a reflection provides I believe a floating, light and hoping an ethereal or maybe surreal sense to the photograph
Nikon AF Thumbsplus post processing
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff