A Sailship in Salem
Ashley Davidoff
Derived from a rock wall in Branchbrook Park Newark NJ
From the series – The Art of the Rock
Thanks to Benjy who enables me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and thanks to the free museums in and around us. Without them this work would not be possible
Ashley Davidoff
South Africa
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Created from a coffee stain on the floor
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
– in memory of the 6 million Jews who perished in the Holocaust
It is a rendered picture of the Holocaust Museum in Israel
The attempt is to show darkness below – graduating to the crack that lets the light in
Ashley Davidoff
Taken on the Greenway Bike ride in Ireland
Inverted the colors, added a lot of saturation, played with the hue, and contrast
Ashley Davidoff
By products of the Fall accumulate in a slow flowing stream and a beautiful bird is created
Thanks to Benjy our dog, who enables me to create stuff for dOG wALK aRT and thanks to the free museums in and around us. Without them this work would not be possible
From the Series Bird Splat Art
Ashley Davidoff
An Old Wall against an Ancient Sky that is new (and changes) everyday
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Center
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Center
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Center
Ashley Davidoff
Lowell Holly
Cape Cod Mashpee
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Newton Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Mashpee Cape Cod
Ashley Davidoff
Glenvaugh National PArk Donegal,
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Art in the Puddle
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
As is and as was – no post processing – just a collection of seaweed in the sand that gave the impression of dancers
Mashpee Cape Cod Mass
Ashley Davidoff
White Mountains New Hampshire
Ashley Davidoff
South Africa
Ashley Davidoff
South Africa
Ashley Davidoff
Thing of the Past
Ashley Davidoff
Drakensberg South Africa
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Bike Ride in Ireland
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Noticesd in the Sludge of a slow flowing stream
Van Gogh Colors
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Cubism in the Ice in the Park
Ice Formation on the Sidewalk
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff MD
All the Girls in Pink or Purple
Boy in Green Feeling Out
All Girls Doing Their Thing
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Thanks to all for your welcome wishes and blessings – I need all I can get!!! Time is moving and I feel very fortunate and grateful for family and friends!
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Minor changes to the authentic image of ice on the sidewalk- The planets and stars (air pockets caught in the ice) appear to be orbiting around the sun – The round black band gives a sense of the gravitational pull between the planets Not sure how the 3D effect is created – Nothing I did – just the way it projects in this 2d image Roundness in my mind suggests wholeness and the unity of the solar system – or whatever planetary system it resembles, for me gives this image its unifying beauty
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
It has been a hard one from many perspectives – but there is some light in the tunnel
Ashley Davidoff
Unintentional blurring Post processing in Thumbsplus changing contrast and saturation
Ashley Davidoff
Nature pic with post processing usung a variety of filters in Thumbsplus and AFS
Ashley Davidoff
Mexico city The rustic nature of the home (and of things gone by) and the beauty, freshness and youthfulness of the flowers caught my eye. The contrast of the green and blue background seems to match the dominant green and yellow colors of the bouquet providing some harmony The flash of orange topping, and the bright pink at the base brings the interest The reflection of the blue and green in the glass vase brings the background and the vase of flowers together – – lucky me – since I believe that this is what we pursue in art and life – wholeness, and harmony
Used dark edging as a filter and some post processing in APS to enhance the background
Ashley Davidoff
Post processing Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Original was a reflection of a tree trunk in a melting ice puddle – With manipulation of contrast and saturation, the green which was the bordering grass became the tree top and the orange leaves in the puddle started to look like flowers around the tree. That the trunk is a reflection provides I believe a floating, light and hoping an ethereal or maybe surreal sense to the photograph
Nikon AF Thumbsplus post processing
Ashley Davidoff
AF PS Thumbsplus,sepia tones, layer technique
Ashley Davidoff
AF Fractal Technique
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon AF Adobe and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
I loved the new life creeping up the dead tree – death gives rise to life
Ashley Davidoff
Chagall in the Ice on the Sidewalk
Waning winter days of Boston
Ashley Davidoff
Dedicated to our late friend Omri Dotan
Adobe PS
Ashley Davidoff
This picture is unadulterated except for a 90 degree ccw rotation and a small increase in saturation
Kidron Valley Vermont in the Fall
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon Zoom Autofocus, post processing Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
We are so small and the ocean is so big
Nikon with post processing in Adobe and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon post processing Adobe PS and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Thumbsplus post processing software
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Cezannes uncle in the summer in Israel?
Ashley Davidoff
Humming Bird Jerusalem Israel
From the series “Oneness” and “The Art of Red”
beach in Tel Aviv
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Red”
Ashley Davidoff
From the Series “The Art of Red”
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Red”
Millenium Park Dedham Mass USA
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Architecture and Buildings
Art in Nature
Fences and Walls
Hats and Headress
Impressionist Photography Facebook Group
Roads and Paths
Still Life
Water Ice
It has been a hard one from many perspectives – but there is some light in the tunnel
Ashley Davidoff
World’s End Park, Hingham Mass
87766pb01.8s rowing boat water red marshes World’s End Park in Hingham, MA Weir River to the North and East and Hingham Harbor (part of Hingham Bay, and Boston Harbor impressionist Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved
I liked the self control, and verticality of the dancers which provided an elegance and perhaps a spirituality. Angles are all sharp – lots of triangles that give a hardness and incisive component, but they mostly point upward or toward the centre, and maybe that is what gives it the softer side – Not sure
post processing in Thumbsplus desaturation
Ashley Davidoff
Unintentional blurring Post processing in Thumbsplus changing contrast and saturation
Ashley Davidoff
Mexico city The rustic nature of the home (and of things gone by) and the beauty, freshness and youthfulness of the flowers caught my eye. The contrast of the green and blue background seems to match the dominant green and yellow colors of the bouquet providing some harmony The flash of orange topping, and the bright pink at the base brings the interest The reflection of the blue and green in the glass vase brings the background and the vase of flowers together – – lucky me – since I believe that this is what we pursue in art and life – wholeness, and harmony
Used dark edging as a filter and some post processing in APS to enhance the background
Ashley Davidoff
Nature pic with post processing usung a variety of filters in Thumbsplus and AFS
Ashley Davidoff
Post processing Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
As is and as was – no post processing – just a collection of seaweed in the sand that gave the impression of dancers
Mashpee Cape Cod Mass
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Original was a reflection of a tree trunk in a melting ice puddle – With manipulation of contrast and saturation, the green which was the bordering grass became the tree top and the orange leaves in the puddle started to look like flowers around the tree. That the trunk is a reflection provides I believe a floating, light and hoping an ethereal or maybe surreal sense to the photograph
Nikon AF Thumbsplus post processing
Ashley Davidoff
AF PS Thumbsplus,sepia tones, layer technique
Ashley Davidoff
AF Fractal Technique
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon AF Adobe and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
I loved the new life creeping up the dead tree – death gives rise to life
Ashley Davidoff
Chagall in the Ice on the Sidewalk
Waning winter days of Boston
Ashley Davidoff
AF post processing Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Dedicated to our late friend Omri Dotan
Adobe PS
Ashley Davidoff
This picture is unadulterated except for a 90 degree ccw rotation and a small increase in saturation
Kidron Valley Vermont in the Fall
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon Thumbsplus post processing
Nikon Zoom Autofocus, post processing Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
We are so small and the ocean is so big
Nikon with post processing in Adobe and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Nikon post processing Adobe PS and Thumbsplus
Ashley Davidoff
Slow shutter speed, post process in Adobe and Thumbsplus converted to inverted b and w –
Ashley Davidoff
Waiting for the Train to Auschwitz
Ashley Davidoff photography copyright 2021
The image was removed by admin since there was not enough detail about the image This is a repost … So here goes – Taken on slow shutter speed during a dance performance allowing for the feel of movement – Colors inverted and then desaturated
The only comment I could retrieve was the following
B and W recommended by fellow Impressionist photographic artist Bette Boven Ebel Was not sure whether the inverted version was better – This one to me, had a more of an ethereal feel Thanks for the recommendation Bette!
There was some important discussion that I am hoping the admin group can retrieve and repost
Thumbsplus post processing software
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
Cezannes uncle in the summer in Israel?
Ashley Davidoff
Humming Bird Jerusalem Israel
From the series “Oneness” and “The Art of Red”
beach in Tel Aviv
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Dance”
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Red”
Ashley Davidoff
From the Series “The Art of Red”
Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Red”
Millenium Park Dedham Mass USA Ashley Davidoff
Ashley Davidoff
From the Series “Dreams”
Ashley Davidoff
From the Series “The Art of Dance”
Ashley Davidoff
From the series “The Art of Dance”
Ashley Davidoff
From the Series “The Art of Dance”
Ashley Davidoff
dOG wALK aRT Photographs of the beauty around us
Photographs rendered to create an Impressionist ambience
Photographs linked with wise sayings
Old City Jerusalem
02793pi.8s man pink shirt donkey stones mason work transport Israel Jerusalem old city Jerusalem impressionist Davidoff art Davidoff photography copyright 2009 all rights reserved
06056pbb.8s Peru people Indian homes mountains Machu Pichu hands Davidoff photography copyright 2009 impressionist all rights reserved impressionist